Chapter 17

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Sophie POV:

I mentally thanked Biana for the dress she packed me. It was a red dress that went to the middle of my thigh. There were red sleeves, that hung loose around my shoulders so it started all the way at my elbow. It left my back open at the top, which looked really cute with my golden necklace Grady and Edaline bought me.

Packed with it was a pair of golden heels, that I didn't know how i'd survive in. Then finally there were gold earrings.

I changed with my friends in the girls dorm. Ciella looked amazing with her emerald dress that matched her eyes, and silver heels. Gigi wore a midnight blue dress, with silver heels and earrings.

"Sophie you look so good!" Ciella shrieked.

I blushed and Ciella laughed. "Rita Skeeter doesn't lie."

I paled. "What?"

Ciella went to her trunk and pulled out a news paper. There was a picture of Harry and Hermione on one half, and a picture of Harry lifting the cup. On the other half was a picture of me with the egg, and another of me talking with Harry in the tent.

I read everything she wrote about me and Harry.

"This is bad." I said, tugging out an eyelash. "She is stalking me."

Ciella rushed over and grabbed my hand as I reached up to pull out another. "What do you mean?"

"How did she find out I talked to Hagrid?" I asked. "It was just me and him. And when I did the interview, she knew that I blushed and pulled out my lashes."

"Holy." Ciella murmured. "What are you going to do?"

I'm not going to block people, and make sure I could hear her thoughts at all times.

"I don't know." I lied.

Ciella nodded. "Where is Keefe?"

"He said he would wait for me at the ballroom. He doesn't want me to see him until I get there." I told her.

Ciella smiled but said nothing. Gigi came over, and we left for the ball.

I nearly laughed when I saw the blond haired boy in front of the door.

"Hi Hunkyhair." I called.

He faced me with his trademark smirk. "Hey Foster." He looked my dress up and down. "Biana was right. Red is definitely your color."

I smiled. "You look good in a suit."

He turned pink.

"The tables have turned." I said with a smile.

He smirked. "Never. And I can't wait to watch you compete."

I blushed and he laughed.

"The tables will never be turned Foster." He said, then put his hand inside his coat. He pulled it out to reveal a red rose corsage. "For you my dear."

He slid the corsage on my wrist. "And for you my prince."

I pinned the boutonnière onto his jacket. We both smiled, and held hands as we walked inside.

Once we walked in, McGonigall ran over to us. "You guys are a adorable couple."

I blushed. "Thank you."

McGonigall smiled. "You two must get ready to start the dance. As I told Mrs. Foster, champions must start the dance."

"Okay." Keefe said.

We both walked over to the dance floor, where Harry and Parvati awkwardly stood. Viktor and Hermione were laughing away as they stood in another corner. The Fleur and a boy from Hufflepuff were smiling and talking.

Keefe and I stared into each others eyes, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he placed his hands on my waist. Once the music started, went into a perfect waltz.

We moved in sync like how couples are in movies. On the high note he grabbed my waist and lifted me off the ground. It was amazing.

"This is awesome." Keefe said in a tone only I could hear, as everyone came onto the dance floor. "Why doesn't Foxfire have this?"

I smiled. "Foxfire sucks compared to this."

Keefe had a mischievous smirk grow. "You know what would make this place even more awesome? A prank."

I smiled. "I would Keefe, but you would never be able to see it."

He lifted me off the ground again. "What I forgot to tell you is that I get to watch all of your classes. Not like actually participate, but like I could watch."

I channeled his inner smirk, making him smile. "What do you have in mind?"

"We will go once everyone eats." He said, and then leaned close to me. "I brought my pranking stuff."

I chuckled, and the music slowed. Some of the couples got off the dance floor, while others stayed. Keefe and I stayed, and got closer.

"This is nice." I said.

He smiled. "Yeah... I missed hanging out with you Foster."

"Right back at you Hunkyhair." I said, and kissed his lips.

I rested my head on his shoulder, as he rested his head on my head. We swayed to the music as everyone left to eat.

"Go time?" I asked.

"You bet." He replied, grabbing my hand as we sprinted out of the ballroom, making people stare at us.

We ran to the Slytherin common room, where Keefe had hidden his stuff underneath a desk. He had to sleep in the common room since there was no space in any of the boys dorm room.

He pulled out a bag of elixirs, a bag of Alicorn poop, and lots of random things.

"We can't do Alicorn poop because people would wonder where we got it from." I said. "What do you have in mind."

He smirked. "We are going to create the Great Gulon incident, but the wizard addition."

He pulled out 3 cans of Gulon gas.

"No way." I said with a grin. "This will be history."

He nodded. "That's what I was going for. Now here is the plan. Tomorrow at breakfast, I will trigger the Gulon cans to release the cans with this remote." He pulled out a tiny clicker. "I have gas masks for us to wear. But we need to place a can on every side of the castle. Middle, left, and right side."

I nodded.

"School probably won't happen because they won't get the smell out... Do you have any teachers you want to prank?" He asked.

I smirked. "Just one, and we need to go all out."

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now