Chapter 14

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Harry POV:

One month later (December 12)

School was going great. People now actually have some respect for me now, thanks to what Sophie did to Malfoy. She also has been hanging out with Ron, Hermione, and I more, while also hanging out with Ciella and Gigi.

Now we were walked into Transfiguration, where all the tables had been moved to the side of the classroom. There was a large music box in the left corner of the room.

McGonigall walked in, with a smile on her face. "Boys sit on the left side, girls sit on the right."

We did as we were told, though all the Slytherins sat away from the Griffindoors. I sat with Ron, and his brothers. All the older years were packed into this room.

I saw Sophie sitting with Hermione, Gigi, and Ciella. They were laughing about something, but the room was too loud to hear.

"Good morning everyone." McGonigall said, making everyone quiet down. "The reason everyone is here is because we have a big event happening on Christmas Eve. The Yule Ball."

All the girls cheered, while all the boys groaned.

"Everyone will find themselves a date to take to the ball." McGonigall explained. I saw a sad but hopeful look on Sophie's face.

"This ought to be good." Ron whispered to me, making me snicker.

McGonigall frowned when she saw Ron talking to me. "Mr. Weasley, since you seem excited and are talking to Harry about the ball. Why don't you come and be a demonstration for everyone."

Ron frowned and walked up to her. "Be a demonstration for what?"

McGonigall smiled. "To dance."

All the boys were snickering. Fred and George instantly began to make jokes about Ron. Though they seemed to be laughing the most. Sophie, Hermione, Ciella, and Gigi were trying their hardest not to laugh.

"Everyone pay attention." McGonigall said. "First the male needs to gently place their hand on the woman's waist."

It was so hard not to burst out laughing, but we simply snickered.

"Your what?" Ron asked.

"My waist." McGonigall repeated.

We watched Ron put her hand on her waist. One of the boys whistled at Ron, making some people snort.

"Mrs. Granger may you please play the music?"

Everyone's laughter escaped, and laughter echoed through the whole classroom.

Hermione played the music, and Ron and McGonigalls dancing was the greatest thing I had seen in my entire life.

They were in perfect sync with the music, Ron spinned her when it was time, and they fixed their grip on each other when the music changed.

The glare Ron gave Fred and George was amazing. Fred and George were pretending to dance with each other, making sure Ron could see.

I tapped on their legs, catching their attention.

"You guys are never going to make him forget about this." I told them.

"Never." They agreed in unison.

I snickered and watched the show. Then once they stopped, the entire classroom erupted into applause and cheers for Ron.

"That was amazing." I told him.

"Shut up Harry." He mumbled and sat back down.

"Now you all are going to have a try." McGonigall said. "Stand up and find a partner, Mrs. Foster and Mr. Potter come to me."

Everyone stood up. The girls squealing, and the boys groaning.

Sophie and I quickly went to McGonigall.

"What's up?" I asked.

McGonigall smiled. "The competitors have to start the dance at the ball. Once everyone is about to dance, all the competitors must bring their date and be the first to dance."

I groaned. "I don't know how to dance."

"I could teach you if you'd like." McGonigall offered.

I quickly shook my head while Sophie snickered. "That won't be necessary. I'll have Ron teach me."

McGonigall smiled.

"Professor, if I may ask." Sophie started. "Can my boyfriend come to the dance? He doesn't go to Hogwarts, but may it be arranged so he could visit? I don't want to dance with anyone else."

McGonigall smiled. "Have him contact me, and then he could come."

Sophie smiled. "Thank you so much!"

Then we both walked away.

"We have to practice right now," I said. "Should we be partners?"

"I guess, though I probably will trip over your feet the whole time." Sophie warned.

I smiled.

We danced somehow. I had no idea how to waltz, and Sophie did trip over me like 20 times.

"I'm starting to think you are clumsy." I told her.

"I was way worse at my old school." She said, while trying not to step on me.

"What was your old school like?" I asked. "And I'm not trying to be like Skeeter."

Sophie chuckled. "Well we didn't have dances. It was unique. Only a small population of Witches and Wizards went there since it was in the United States. It was really nice, and was where I met my boyfriend."

"Sounds cool." I said. "My childhood sucked. Muggle schools until I was 12, then Hogwarts. But my family life was awful. I lived in a Broom covered my whole life, and lived withy awful cousin."

Sophie sighed. "Im sorry to hear that."

I shrugged. "Im used to it."

We bumped into Hermione and Ron dancing.

"This has to be the worst thing I have ever done." Ron said.

"Tell me about it." I replied.

Hermione shrugged. "It's better than not saving the school again."

"Agreed." Ron and I said.

The rest of the day flew by. Ron received a package with dress robes that looked like they were made in 1900. He thought they were for Ginny, but once he saw the bonnet his reaction was priceless.

After that Ron and I went to look for a date. I swear it was the most annoying/stressful thing I had done in my life, and still ended up not getting a date.

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