Chapter 7

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Sophie POV:

"Sophie Foster and Harry Potter." Dumbledore mumbled.

My heart stopped. How? I didn't put my name in the cup? Panic raced through my head since I was only here to learn about wizards. I didn't want to compete in a dangerous tournament that I shouldn't even be in.

Whispered echoed through the entire dinning hall.

"Sophie Foster and Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted.

I gave my friends a worried look.

"Go on Sophie." Ciella said with a sad tone. "We will be cheering for you if you end up competing."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I quickly turned the volume up to my iPod and walked towards the platform.

Harry and I made eye contact and I could easily tell that he didn't want to do this either.

Once we got to Dumbledore he looked really mad. He then showed me and Harry the papers that came out of the goblet; and sure enough my name was on one and Harry's was on the other.

"Go on." Dumbledore told us in a hushed tone.

Harry hesitantly shook his hand and moved on. I looked at him in the eyes, and his expression softened slightly as I shook his hand.

I followed Harry and shook the other teachers hands, who looked ready to attack us. I made sure to go fast with the handshakes, then rushed to the door where Harry was waiting for me.

"Did you put your name in the cup?" He asked me as we walked through.

"No I didn't." I told him. "How about you?"

"I didn't either." He told me.

"Do you think we are going to compete?"

He shrugged. "I just wanted a normal year at Hogwarts, but that never happens."

I nodded.

"Why do you always have earbuds in your ears?" He asked.

I paled slightly. "I just like listening to music, that's all."

He nodded. Then we reached Fleur and Viktor.

"Why are there two of you guyz?" Viktor asked in his thick accent.

"We are trying to figure that out." Harry said slowly. "Both of our names came out the cup."

"So you both are competing?" Fleur asked in her French accent.

"We don't know yet." I murmured.

Then Dumbledore, the teachers, and Moody rushed in. Dumbledoor ran to Harry, and somehow had him pinned against the wall.

"Did you put your name in the cup?" Dumbledore asked, not loosening his grip on Harry.

"No sir!" Harry said, panicking.

"Did you ask someone to put your name in the cup?"

"No sir!"

"Do you know who put your name in the cup?"

"No sir!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir!"

Dumbledore sighed and faced me. "Same goes for you too."

"I didn't have anyone put it in for me. I don't even want to compete." I told them.

"She is obviously lying Albus." The teacher from Beauxbatons said.

Dumbledore rubbed his temples like how Forkle does when he is stressed. "It isn't my department to determine if they are allowed to compete or not."

"That's right." A new voice said from the door. We all turned around to find the Minister. "That is my decision to let them compete or not... Knowing Mr. Potter, I would suspect that he would want a normal year at Hogwarts. I do not think he had anyone particular put his name in the cup. As for Mrs. Foster, I don't know her very well. But she seems honest with her words, and the worry in her eyes shows that she did not choose to compete."

"So what are you deciding?" The Durmstrang s teacher asked.

I ripped out a few of my eye lashes (my nervous habit), trying not to look at the look Harry was giving me.

The Minister ran a hand down his face. "Since the Goblet of Fire chose them, I guess there is no other choice but to have them compete."

Arguing erupted the second the Minister finished. Everyone's angry thoughts pounded through my brain, past all the music from my iPod. My headache grew, and the anxiety struck me like a hammer.

"MY DECISION HAS BEEN MADE!" The Minister shouted, making everyone stop arguing. My hands were pressed against my head, wishing I could block out the noises. "HARRY POTTER AND SOPHIE FOSTER WILL BE COMPETING IN THIS YEARS TRIWIZARD TOURNIMENT!"

"When will ve get all ve information?" Viktor asked.

"Tomorrow after classes, come to my class." McGonigall said.

We all nodded, and I walked out of the room. Someone's hand was on my shoulder, making me nearly scream. I whipped around to find Harry, his eyes worried and full of concern.

"You okay?" He asked.

Now all the voices had left my mind, and I easily blocked Harry's out. The only thing that remained was a headache. "Yea I'm fine. Just stressed that's all."

I ripped out another itchy eyelash.

Harry didn't buy it, but he dropped the topic. "It can't be that bad. The only thing I am worried about is how everyone in this school is going to treat me."

I nodded. "I don't want everyone to have a stupid crush on me. I don't like having attention on myself, but now it's gonna be like we are walking around with a spotlight on us."

"It was like that the past three years with Ron and Hermione." Harry said, as we neared the stairs. "Everything will work out. Just don't let what people think about you get to your head."

I nodded as Harry went up the stairs and I went down.

"Wait!" I called to Harry. He turned around and faced me. "Thank you for... everything."

He smiled and went up the stairs as I went down.

Once I got into the Slytherin common room, I nearly had a heart attack. Everyone cheered for me as I walked inside. But then they all settled down.

"Are you competing?" Malfoy asked through the entire crowd.

I nodded making everyone high-five me and clap my back. My head was exploding with all of their mental voices, and I had a massive headache. But I played it off, since this might have been the biggest thing that has happened in Slytherin for a while.

Once everyone calmed down and went to their dorms, I sat on my bed thinking.

"How did you get your name in the cup?" Ciella asked.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you. I have no idea." I told her. "I didn't have anyone put it in for me, and I kinda don't even want to compete."

Gigi nodded. "For a minute I thought you went behind our backs."

I scowled. "I would never do that."

"Do you know when the first task is?" Ciella asked, getting under her covers.

"We are finding everything out tomorrow." I told them. "Goodnight."

We all said goodnight, and turned off the light where I had a peaceful night of sleep.

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