Chapter 8

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Harry POV:

That night I somehow slept with no nightmares. Typically in my nightmares, I would watch Wormtail and some guy in an armchair have a conversation with a snake. The snake would be in pain and Wormtail would too. I can't exactly remember what they would say, but it was bad.

I woke up peacefully to a beautiful sunrise outside my window. I smiled and changed into my uniform. I went to the bathroom, and then went to the common room, where everyone stared at me.

Nobody was thrilled that I was in the Triwizard cup. I heard the Slytherins were cheering for Sophie once they found out that she was a competitor. We heard their cheering from our common room.

I kept my head down and went to Ron and Hermione, who were mad at me.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I told them.

"Why wouldn't  you tell us that you were competing?" Ron asked angrily. "We're your best friends."

I ran a hand down my face, nearly pulling my glasses down with it. "I swear I didn't put my name in the cup. I didn't have anyone do it for me. And for the love of god I don't even want to compete! But the Minister is forcing me and Sophie to, even though we both don't want to. So don't blame me for being a competitor, I didn't even know I was going to be one."

Ron and Hermione's expressions softened.

"Who put your name in the cup?" Hermione asked.

I shrugged. "Sophie and I were trying to figure that out last night."

"When is the first task?" Hermione asked.

"We find out today," I told her. "But right now let's get some breakfast."

We went to the Dinning Hall, where we ate. We had our Transfiguration books with us as we ate. We talked about theories on who put our names in the cup. We decided on Snape (because he is always looking like he is up to something), Moody (since he was the new guy), and Malfoy (because he hated me with his life for no reason, and he could get away with anything).

Then we went to Tranfiguration, which was a pain since Slytherin kept teasing and making fun of me. Though I saw Sophie trying to get them to stop.

All the classes flew by again, except Defense Against the Dark Arts.

We sat down in our seats, Griffindoor being on one half of the room, and Slytherin on the other. Hermione made us take seats in the first and second row, since she seemed "interested" in the topic.

Moody told us about counter spells, which made the entire class want to sleep. But Moody was strict. He caught a Slytherin in the middle sleeping (Malfoy), and decided to turn his hair pink for being lazy.

Once Sophie woke him up, he had no clue. We were all in silence, even Moody as we watched.

"Why is everyone so quite?" Malfoy asked.

Everyone fought back their snickers. Ciella and Gigi were fighting hard behind Malfoy to contain theirs.

"Malfoy, you have something in your hair." Sophie told him.

Malfoy frowned. "Give me a mirror."

Sophie handed him a mirror, and Malfoy grabbed it out of her hand.

"AHHHHHH!" He screamed when he saw his hair.

Everyone burst out laughing, even Moody. Sophie was trying not to laugh while assuring him that it isn't that bad.

Malfoy glared at everyone. "Who did this?"

Moody walked towards him. He leaned forward, and I swear his robotic eye was glued on Sophie the entire time.

"Listen here Malfoy." Moody started, handing him the cure for his pink hair. "Never ever sleep in my class again. What I teach you here, you could use for the rest of your life. So pay attention!" He slammed his hands on the table, making everyone in the room jump.

Right after the bells rang, signifying that school had ended. I glanced at Sophie who nodded at me.

"Hey I gotta go to McGonigall for the Triwizard stuff." I told my friends. "I'll meet you guys back in the common room."

"Bye." They both said.

I rushed over to Sophie, who had just said bye to her friends. We walked to McGonigall's classroom, where Viktor and Fleur were already there. Dumbledore was there as well, along with McGonigall and the Minister.

"Good afternoon competitors." Dumbledore said. "Today we have some very big news to tell you all. First thing are the dates. The second task is on December 14, and the third task is on January 24."

All the competitors looked at each other.

"You forgot ze first task." Viktor said.

The Minister smirked. "This year we want to waste no time with the tournament. The first task is on November 3."

We all looked at each other.

"That's on Sunday!" I blurted.

"Two days from now yes." Dumbledore said. "As the Minister said we want to waist no time. You must be in the tent behind Quidditch arena by 12:00 P.M. sharpe. Professor McGonigall if you may."

Professor McGonigal pulled something out of her desk. She had stacks of clothes. She separated them into 4 stacks.

The first stack was a grey jacket with navy sleeves. There was a grey long sleeves undershirt, and navy pants. On top of the stack was a pair of navy and grey gloves.

The second stack had a large red robe, tan undershirt, and black pants. It was really basic.

The third stack was a black cloak with some yellow hints. The inside of it was red. There were black pants, and a black undershirt with some red that was laced together.

The 4th stack was exactly the same as the third stack, only that all the red was green. I figured the third one was for me and the 4th one was for Sophie.

"These are what you will all be wearing for the first task." McGonigall explained. "Each of these outfits were inspired by your headmasters, and were created by your own taylors. For each task you will be getting your own outfit like these. The first stack of clothing is for Fleur, second for Viktor, third for Harry, and fourth for Sophie."

"What will the first task be?" Sophie asked.

The Minister grinned. "You'll see."

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