Chapter 23

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As soon as Harry got levitated into the reapers arms, I got hit with a spell that paralyzed me. I fell down, thankfully leaning against a rock, unable to move. Someone walked forward holding something in his hands. I recognized him to be Wormtail, the guy who was in my dreams. He carried what looked like a baby in his arms. Harry sucked in a breath.

Wormtail gave me a look and mumbled something under his breath. He set the baby down gently and brought a chair. He came over to me, and slung me over his shoulder. This guy smelled like a rat.

He set me down in the chair and bound my wrists and ankles to the legs and arms of the chair. Wormtail circled me, then leaned so close to me that our noses were practically touching.

"I don't see what's so special about you." He snarled.

His hot breath tickled my skin as all I could do was stare at him. Then he backed away and faced me. He snapped his fingers and my paralysis went away.

I thrashed against my binds, but it was no use. Wormtail wheezed a laugh. Then he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a familiar object. My eyes widened and I paled.

"How do you have an Impather?" I asked, my voice quivering.

He smiled at the cube, but looked really mad at me.

"Shut up!" He yelled and slapped me across my right cheek.

He walked away and made a call on the impather. I didn't pay attention to anything he said, and focused on my stinging cheek. I wished I could press a hand against it, but I couldn't.

Wormtail put in the impather back in his pocket and made his way to Harry. Just then, 5 people in black cloaks faded into existence. I squinted closer to see who leaped here, when I saw the white eye patch on their sleeves.

I paled.

"Hello Sophie." Gisela cooed as she walked towards me.

I was about to inflict when someone placed a ability dampener on my wrist.

I sighed. "What do you want now?"

Gisela removed her hood and smirked. "Why Sophie," she said circling my chair. "Now that you can't do anything to us, we want to make one last attempt at getting those secrets out of your head."

"You really think you could do that?" I scoffed. "Remember what happened when I was 12?"

Gisela's smirk widened. "Oh Sophie this time you loose either way. If you don't let us get those secrets, then the dark lord will take you."

Right then Harry cried out in pain, and a tall bony figure stood. He stroked his bald head and sighed.

"See Sophie." Gisela said. "If you don't let us get those secrets, and we don't end up having them. Voldemort takes you and you become his."

Gisela nodded at one of the Neverseen members, who removed his hood, revealing Getham.

He walked behind me and pressed his finger tips against my temples. There was a hot liquid dripping down his face that smelt of venom.

I instantly strengthened my barriers to the max. I heard Gethams teeth grind, and his fingers pressing harder against my temples.

He let go and heaved a deep sigh. "I can't. She is blocking me."

Gisela growled and pointed to another member. I already knew it was Fintan.

Fintan walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. I felt his hands warm up and start burning into my skin. I gritted my teeth as I felt my flesh melting. He moved down to my bicep and did the same thing.

"Stop." A new voice said.

Fintan stopped and faced Voldemort. He strolled towards us, leaving Harry whimpering in pain in the reapers arms.

"Is this girl the one you elves must need?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes." Gisela said firmly.

Voldemort studied me carefully. "She isn't complying with what you guys need?"

A tear of pain and fear trickled down my cheek.

"Yes." Gisela said.

Voldemort gave a sick smile. "Is it true that she is related to Alicorns?"

Gisela nodded.

"Ah. Even better than a unicorn." Voldemort said happily.

He pulled out his bone wand and ran it down my forearm, cutting it deep. My eyes glazed as I tried not to show a reaction.

Then all of a sudden he pressed his mouth against my arm and started drinking my blood. I cried out in pain as he sucked out my blood.

That went on for a minute before Voldemort stopped. He let out a sigh of relief as he wiped my blood from around his mouth.

"Are you going to help them?" Voldemort asked.

I shook my head, trembling slightly.

Voldemort smirked, and pointed his wand at me. "Crucio!"

I immediately screamed and cried out in pain. This was the worst pain I had felt in my life. It felt like every single nerve was having a needle go through it.

I begged and pleaded for the pain to stop, but it only got worse. I thrashed so much in my chair that Fintan had to hold the chair down.

"STOP!" A voice shouted.

Instantly the pain faded and slowly went away. I sat there panting, wondering if that was what my inflicting felt like.

Voldemort and Harry were having a duel, where he accidentally hit a spell at Fintan. He was still holding me down as he got launched backwards, but he ended up ripping off my ability dampener.

Immediately I inflicted on the remaining Neverseen members, making them collapse in pain. I felt exhausted from inflicting on 4 people.

Harry rushed over to me and untied my bonds.

"Come on." He told me in a rush.

He slung my arm around his shoulders, and supported most of my weight. We hobbled towards the cup, when a spell blasted right behind us.

Harry and I flew at least 5 feet into the air, and fell right in front of the cup. Harry groaned in pain, as I mustered my remaining strength in grabbing his hand. Then I weakly latched onto the cup, and we teleported away, heading Voldemorts screams behind us.

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