Till I Die

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//Note: Did I mention that Y/n's shadow dragon is a Chinese dragon? //

The 'You' POV:

You were eating the demon, while it yelled and protested in fear. You knew this was wrong, but you just couldn't stop, like your mind and body were both a separate thing. Then, you were in a black void, a large screen seeing you eating the demon.

"Y/n? Y/n!"

A familiar voice rings around the room.

"Y/n, kiddo, you gotta stop. It's bad, ok?"

Another rang again.

"Macaque? Mk?" You called out, looking around.

"Y/n! Oh dear sister how I missed you!" Mk ran and embraced you.

"Great to see you again bud." Macaque patted your head.

"What? No this... Isn't possible... You two are..."

"Dead? Maybe we are, but... Eh..."

Macaque nervously scratched his neck.

"Y/n... We are actually part of your memory..."

"Oh..." You looked at them.

"I really am going insane... Aren't I?" You laughed.

"You aren't, but that demon-eating abomination is." Macaque glanced at the screen.

"Y/n! Don't give up! Fight!" Mk held your shoulders.

"But why? You are already-"

"Fight Y/n! Fight! Fight till you die!"

"I gotta agree with Mk bud, you can't give up."


"Y/n! No time! Fight! Fight till you die!"

"Fight till I die?..."

Fight till you die, those were the last words your brother told you, before you went back to your body. Tears running down your eyes, as your pupils turn oval, not slits like just now, but not circles like it was before. You finally had control, you quickly pushed yourself to a few feet away from it. Wiping away the blood from your mouth, smelt it, and your pupils suddenly became slits again. You fought back, pupils turning back into ovals, and sat down, head digged deep into your knees.

"Fight... hic... I have to..."

You told yourself over and over, to control your body, to stop the demon to take control.

And little did you know, the demon crept up on you, getting ready to eat you once and for all. Then, your clones formed into the five main shadow puppets again. The dragon, kitsune, monkey, phoenix and the smoke monster. And then proceeding to chain him up using their power.

No one's POV:

The dragon used it's tail to wrap around the demons right arm, the kitsune using magic to hold down the left. The monkey and smoke monster crouched down, using both their hands to pull it's legs in place. The phoenix, the last one, and the first smoke monster Y/n ever summoned, hovered directly in front of it.

*Ding... * Fourth regret...

One of the shadow puppets, secretly took Y/n's blade away, but it looked different than the others. The puppet was a monkey, six ears, one tail, wearing a red scarf, just like her mentor.

It leaped up, unsheathed it, and severed off it's head. Landing at the opposite side of where it jumped, kneeling down.

*Shing! *

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