Eight Lives, Eight Regrets

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(Gore! Maybe some swear words?)

(Trying out a new writing style!)

Y/n's POV:

*Scratch... *


I looked at him in horror, and gently touched my cheek.

"Blood..." I smirked.

"Finally, things are getting exciting."

I quickly healed, using my shadow clones, while the demon put his head back.

"Sixth time..."

I ran forward, sword in hand, but the demon caught it. Blood oozing from his hand as his grip tightened on the blade.

I growled, slicing off his hand for my blade to break free, the impact pushing the both of us away. I quickly put my sword back in it's saya, gripping it tightly.


"Oh? Someone's getting feisty~"

"Oh, I'm just getting started." I gave a sick smile.

No one's POV:

The demon growled, making y/n growl back, her human and monkey form flickering back and fourth.

"So you were a demon after all, huh..." The demon mumbled.

"A smart demon you are, just by seeing my forms go back and forth." The said monkey demon smirked.

Then, the demon leaped forward, charging at the slayer, preparing to shoot lava. Multiple of them shot out, Y/n skillfully dodging it by jumping and running. Then, Y/n took a deep breath, exhale, the purple fire came out of her mouth again.

"Shadow breathing, third form, Flickering Shadow."

Her figure flickered, disappeared, then appeared back right behind the demon.


In one, clean, blow, Y/n took out her katana, and sliced the demons head halfway. Her eyebrows furrowed, struggling to fully slice the head off. Making an open target for the demon to crush her head.

*Crunch... *

And so he did, Y/n's blood dripping down her forehead, almost reaching her mouth. But she gave no reaction to it, surely her skull would've cracked by now, but why didn't it?

*Ding...* First regret...

Y/n focused her strength on the blade, using more and more power on it, until she finally sliced the head off.

*Thud... *

"Sixth time..." She huffed, her shadow clones worried around her, giving her their scarves to eat and wrapped some around her wound.

"Guys I'm fine, I'm fine." She smiled, making a clones less worried.

"The more I cut, the tougher the skin gets." She looked at the demons body, who's head got connected back instantly. She clones went away, leaving her and the demon alone.


A strong wind kicked in, the dust from the debris swept around the battlefield, making the demons vision blurry.

// Note: Hashira's, also known as the Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps, are the highest ranking slayers. //

-Somewhere else-

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