Infiltrating the Entertainment District

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A few months passed, you got to understand your new Blood Demon Art better, that is... If it's even called a Blood Demon Art.

You also started to test new things, like seeing how quick Kumo could use a power. How long could you run with and without your power, and how much demon intake do you and Kumo have to take.

And apparently it was alot.

A normal, low level demon would last you a week without your power, and three days with your power, the same goes for Kumo. So you would have to feed Kumo every three days if it was like this.

If it was an Upper Moon, like the Akaza arm that you have. One finger would last you a month without power, and you with/Kumo would last for two weeks at most.

Enough with that. You were just finished with a mission with Sanemi, now sprinting back to the Butterfly Estate, not because you lived there, but you've been informed by Himari that the Butterfly girls were getting bullied.

Quick note, your Mansion was right next to Muichiro's, and it was decorated in weapons, flowers, sewing kits, etc.

You finally got your new uniform back, it was different than the first one, that was confirmed. It's pants looked the same as Muichiro's, long and loose, which reminded you of a long skirt rather than oversized pants. Your top stayed the same, although the sleeves were a bit loose like Muichiro's, it was nice and your haori fir neatly with it. Not too loose until your arms felt uncomfortable with the double layered sleeves, but not too tight like the regular uniform lower ranks had to wear.

Are you missing something here? You shrugged it off, if you missed to inform anything new, you could always tell it later.

"Let me go! I... I said-!"

Your ears perked up, you were around two to three blocks away from the Estate, and was that Aoi's voice?

"You're too noisy. So shut up." Someone said.

The tone was familiar, but you just couldn't place a finger on it. Still, you were almost there.

"Stop! Please!"

"Please let her go!"

"Kiyo, Sumi...!" Your eyes widened, running even faster now.

"Kanao!" Aoi called out to her.

"Shit... They're all there... Who is it bullying them?..." You mumbled, only looking straight ahead.

"Kanao! Kanao!" Aoi wept.

'Poor girl... Kanao can't decide easily, she must be in alot of stress right now!' You thought.

It was silent, and you stopped.


"Miss Kanao!" The two girls said.

"Something must've happened." You told yourself, now running again.

"Just... a bit... more...!" You grunted, one of your arms reaching forward.



You landed face first, plummeting onto the hard ground. You used your elbows as support as you wiped the blood off your nose.

"Dont be such a bore. You got orders earlier, didn't you?"

And that's when it hit you.

You were running again, before your brain could even think.

"SAY SOMETHING! YOU STUCK UP PIG!" The voice boomed again.

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