The Award Nominations

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"You've got to be kidding me."

Suhana burst into laughter, collapsing while clutching her stomach.

Seriously, how dumb I can be to think I'm in Mahabharat? That's just not happening.

I totally underestimated these folks. They're incredible actors, almost had me fooled. What a prank they played!

"Wow, you guys are amazing actors," she managed to say amidst her laughter.

Sushala? Me? Mahabharat? She continued to laugh, gasping for air, leaving everyone around her staring in sheer bewilderment.

"This is no prank, Rajkumari," echoed a voice in the room.

Who's it now?  Suhana rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed.

Now entered a man dressed as a rishi.

At the sage's arrival, everyone bowed, except Suhana, who seemed to be having a staring contest with her own thoughts.

Wow, these people are more into character than my morning coffee.

"Hey Munivar, help us! Our daughter's behaving strange," cried Rani Gandhari.

Damn. Look at those tears. She looks like a natural actor. This lady deserves an award for the best mother role.

But who's this rishi? I don't remember him. Suhana pondered.

The sage, amused by her puzzled expression, smiled.

"I'm Rishi  Vyas," the sage declared, ending her internal conflict.

Oh. Suhana's eyes widened in recognition, or maybe it was just a comedic revelation.

"Nice to meet you, Rishi Ved Vyas." She beamed and, with both hands, initiated an unexpected handshake. The sage awkwardly followed, causing a ripple of gasps from the audience.

The hand meant for blessings just did a handshake. Blessings level: upgraded to a shake.

She pulled back her hand. "Nice. Nice. Looks like the whole cast is here. By the way, I don't see Pandavas. Where are they?" She asked, oblivious to the unfolding chaos.

As if on cue, 5 men entered the chambers.

Suhana at once recognized the men to be Pandavas. She grinned at them widely.

My god. They look so divine. They look perfect to be Pandavas. Who's the casting director? Give him a raise. No, seriously, I want to know.

This time it was her who rushed, shaking hands with each Pandava like she just met the Avengers.

At last, was the second Pandav.

"Bheem, my favorite Pandav." Suhana hugged him out of nowhere.

God, he's such a teddy bear.

"No", Suyodhan screamed dramatically.

Suhana was sure some nearby birds flew away at his scream.

"What now?" She annoyingly turned to look at him, expecting a Shakespearean monologue.

"How can you recognize him, that Bheem, and not me, your own brother?" He accused her, adding his usual touch of melodrama to the scene.

"That's because he's my favorite." Suhana simply stated as a matter of fact.

Ignoring the betrayed look of Suyodhan, she grinned at Bheem.

Foodie Pandav who looks like a giant teddy bear? Irresistible.

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