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100+ VOTES

A loud, piercing scream jolted her eyes open.

Her palanquin had come to a sudden, jarring halt. She quickly parted the heavy silk curtains and peered outside into the dim light.

A man lay crumpled on the ground, an arrow lodged deep in his chest, blood spreading in a dark, ominous pool.

Suhana's eyes widened in horror, her breath catching in her throat.

More than half of their soldiers lay injured on the ground, struck down by the relentless barrage of arrows.

From the dense forest, figures emerged- men with swords gleaming in the pale light, charging towards them with fierce determination.

They were surrounded.

With a sinking fear Suhana realized- Assassins

Chaos erupted around them.

Suhana found herself pulled alongside other noblewomen, encircled by Dwarka's soldiers who formed a protective barrier against the advancing assassins.

Her pulse hammered in her ears, mingling with the whirlwind of screams and clashing metal.

"Kritika!" Queen Madira's scream pierced the chaos.

There, amidst the swirling dust and clashes of swords, she spotted Kritika fallen on the ground-vulnerable and injured. A shadowy figure loomed menacingly over the child, ready to strike.

No soldier nearby to protect Kritika; she was alone in her peril, utterly defenseless.

If she ran now she could save the child. Yes.

Adrenaline kicked in Suhana's veins. Her heart pounded fiercely as she sprinted towards Kritika, without hesitation. Reaching the child, she threw herself over Kritika, shielding her fragile form from the imminent danger.

With Kritika sheltered beneath her, Suhana braced herself for the impact she knew was coming. She closed her eyes tightly, preparing for the blow that would soon follow. Every muscle tensed, every nerve on edge in anticipation of the inevitable pain.

But instead of agony, a cry rang out.

Suhana's eyes snapped open to witness her assailant collapsing, an arrow lodged in his back-The archer was none other than Kesi, the young Yadava prince.

Amidst the chaos, Kesi had not only wounded an enemy soldier but also seized a bow and arrows. Now concealed within the branches of a tree, he unleashed arrows to defend his family.

Suhana stared at the young prince, Kesi in admiration for his bravery amidst the adversary.

"Run!" Kesi shouted as he cleared a path for them.

Suhana nodded, her heart racing, and quickly lifted Kritika to her feet as they ran

But their ordeal was far from over. Another assassin emerged.

Startled, they halted in their tracks. Suhana instinctively pulled Kritika closer, standing in front of her protectively. Kritika, frightened and crying, clung tightly to Suhana.

Protect. Protect. Protect the child.

She held Kritika close to her yet her hands trembled with dread, her mind clouded by the fear of death.

Kesi, engrossed in battling another for with his arrows, could not shield them now.

Who will protect them now?

The assassin's blade gleamed menacingly as he raised it high, ready to attack. In a split second of instinct, Suhana shoved Kritika away from harm's way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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