
1.1K 54 3

Hello, my dear readers!

I'm overflowing with gratitude for your incredible support, propelling us to 1.4k reads in record time. Your reads, votes, and comments are the guiding lights that keep my writing spirit alive amidst the monotonous routine of my college and home tuitions.

I genuinely mean it when I say it means the world to me.

Now I have a small favor to ask – I'd be incredibly grateful if any of you could volunteer to discuss and give me an honest review of my book. Constructive criticism is what I need.

On another note, let's talk about votes. I've noticed around 70 people reading each story on average, but votes barely hit 10. I get it – the eagerness to move on to the next chapter is real. However, voting is a game-changer-

1. Every vote and comment is like a motivational fuel, pushing me forward in this writing adventure.

2. Comments are like gold – honest reviews that help me refine my work.

3. This is a new book, and your votes can rise it up the rankings, attracting more readers.

So, if you enjoy my work or any other author's creations, please, pretty please, take a moment to vote and comment. It's the best and easiest way to show your support and appreciation.

If you've liked my work but haven't voted yet, pause right here, go back, and shower all my previous chapters with your votes.

I'll admit, I might not be a writing maestro, but I'm giving it my all. Your votes and comments are my sole motivation to keep this pen moving.

As we eagerly await the next update, I trust you'll be kind enough to heed my request and continue showing your amazing support.

Again a heartfelt thank you to all for the reads. To those who've already been voting and commenting, you have my deepest gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

Oh, and a little teaser: Suhana's romantic interest is about to step into the spotlight in the upcoming chapters. Any guesses? Here's a clue: It's not one of her brothers. Lol.

Until the next update!

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