Celebrations and Dance

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As the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of soft pastels, heralding the arrival of a new day, a palpable tension enveloped the grandeur of Hastinapur's palace. The morning air crackled with anticipation as sunlight gently filtered through the intricately designed windows, casting a warm glow in the Raj Sabha.

King Dhritarashtra, torn between duty and paternal affection, ascended the dais with measured steps. The court held its breath as he prepared to announce the next crowned prince.

Resonating through the hall, his proclamation declared Yudhister, the eldest son, as the crowned prince. A wave of applause surged within the court, and the echoes of approval reverberated against the ornate walls.

The rays of sun fell on the newly crowned prince exuding a divine aura around him. The throne, now awaiting his inheritance, carried the weight of both power and responsibility on his shoulders.

Among the courtiers, a mingling of awe and respect marked the onset of a new era in the saga of Hastinapur.

To everyone's astonishment, Suyodhan clamped his lips shut and nodded along with his father's announcement. He even managed a gruff "congratulations" for Yudhister, leaving the Pandavas, especially Mamashree Shakuni, bewildered.

The Pandavas exchanged puzzled glances, wondering if Suyodhan had swapped bodies overnight, and Mamashree Shakuni appeared on the verge of fainting as if he'd seen a ghost.

Did someone replace Suyodhan with a doppelgänger?

But hold your elephants! Suyodhan, with an air of nonchalance, dropped a bombshell, "Just because I congratulated you doesn't mean I'm giving up the throne. There's still plenty of time, and I'll prove to everyone that I'm more deserving than you are. I'll prove everyone in this sabha wrong. You Pandavas wait and watch," His eyes gleamed with a fire that could rival Agni Dev himself.

"I already believe that you are worthy of the throne, Suyodhan." Yudhister sincerely spoke.

Suyodhan caught off guard, stared at Yudhister, momentarily speechless. Quickly regaining his tough man facade, he retorted, "Whatever. I already know that. I don't need your validation," and walked away in sass, leaving everyone bewildered.

Classic Suyodhan, maintaining his tough guy facade and dramatics.

The Pandavas breathed sighs of relief, realizing Suyodhan was still the same unpredictable fellow. At least this time, he refrained from insults or from unleashing a barrage of death threats and instead opted for a bit of royal manners.

Angaraj Karn, Sushasan, and the other brothers nonchalantly pretended as if nothing peculiar had occurred, standing proudly by Suyodhan's side.

Suhana, grinning like a kid sprinted over to Yudhister, congratulating him with a handshake that could power a windmill.

Then, with the speed of a squirrel high on drugs, she dashed to Suyodhan. "Congratulations, Jyesth, on becoming the Senapati. You're going to slay as a warrior, I can already feel it. So proud!" She beamed and enveloped her brother in a warm hug.

Suyodhan glanced at a grimacing Yudishter, who made a face like he'd trade a kingdom for a hug at that moment.

Suhana's hug demand was strong in this royal gathering.

Suyodhan couldn't resist a smirk as he looked at Yudishter. He playfully patted his sister's head, eyeing Yudishter as if to say, 'Too bad, big brother, better luck next time.'

The royal drama of Kuru princes unfolded once more with a dash of sibling rivalry and a sprinkle of playful triumph.


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