Apologies And Group Hugs

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"What are you doing here, Bhrata Suyodhan?" Suhana asked, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity, as she gracefully rose to a sitting position.

Suyodhan's response was a smile that seemed to carry hidden depths, his eyes gleaming with a mysterious light.

Why is he smiling like a villain? Is he plotting something? Suhana's suspicion lingered in her gaze as it pierced through the enigmatic smile.

Poor her didn't know that was how Suyodhan usually smiles.

"We have come to check on you, Suha," Sushasan appeared, settling beside her as if it were an everyday thing to him.

"Bhrata," Suhana greeted Sushasan with a fond smile as her eyes softened upon recognizing him.

"Thank god, you came. I was bored to death," she said, her relief evident in both tone and demeanor.

"Look, who else is here," Sushasan announced, directing his attention to Karn.

"Bhrata, Karn," Suhana exclaimed, her smile now amplified.

"You have a beautiful voice, Sushala. What were you singing? I have never heard such a song before," Karn smiled, his compliment carrying a genuine curiosity.

"Well, Thank you, Bhrata. It's nothing, just a random song I heard somewhere," Sushala responded with a modest smile.

Inviting Karn to sit beside her, Suhana arranged so that she was now sitting between Karn and Sushasan.

Suyodhan, still smiling awkwardly, seemed unsure of his role in this lively scene.

Suhana, oblivious to his awkward stance, continued her animated exchange with Karn and Sushasan, creating a bubble of conversation that excluded the befuddled elder brother.

Yet again, Suyodhan found himself on the outskirts of their animated discussion.

Suhana, suddenly noticing his awkward dance, paused her rant and threw him a nonchalant lifeline.

"Why are you standing, Jyesth? You too sit," she declared, as though issuing a royal decree.

Suyodhan caught off guard, swiftly navigated the sea of cushions to find a seat and smiled.

On her words, Suyodhan's grin transformed into a full-blown sunshine mode, as if it could rival Karn's radiant smile.

What a baby. She smiled amused.

Suhana, momentarily blinded by his smile, adjusted her position to make room for him, and the lively exchange continued.

The three men huddled together, attentive ears tuned to Suhana's whimsical narrative of her horse riding misadventure.

Sushasan, the mischief-maker of the trio, couldn't resist teasing her about the epic fall.

"Her scream was so funny," he chuckled, unable to contain his amusement.

He added with a sly remark, "Why did you ride a horse if you can't handle it?"

"Haw," Suhana gasped, feigning shock at the accusation.

"Who said I couldn't handle it? It was that traitor Megh who pulled his stunt. Wait till I get my hands on him, I swear," she declared, her eyes narrowing in full scheming mode.

However, her plotting was promptly interrupted by the laughter of her brothers and Karn.

"Liar. You don't know how to horse ride," Sushasan teased, poking fun at her alleged horse-riding skills.

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