Death's Embrace

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After all the chaos, finally, everyone left the chambers to let Suhana rest.

With no one around her, Suhana was left alone with her thoughts.

With all the new information revealed, her mind was distressed. She literally had no idea how to deal with this time travel/soul exchange situation. She paced around the room like a mad woman and then finally came to a conclusion.

With a determined look on her face, as if ready to conquer a war, she walked to the huge bed, placed in the center of the room, and flopped on it with a thud.

And did the only thing she could do: sleep.

When things go out of control, just sleep. (This is also how the author deals with her problems, coping mechanism.)

Hey Narayan, this bed is so soft. Looks like Dwaparyug has its perks too. This one reason is enough for me to stay here forever. A beautiful smile graced Suhana's face as she fell into a deep slumber.

Her soft snores echoed in the room as the sleeping beauty slept without a care in the world, ignoring all the threats of danger looming over her head.

Only Narayan can save this child.

*Warning ahead, mention of self-harm*

A solitary woman trudged towards the desolate riverbanks, the haunting echo of her anklets resonating through the silent darkness.

A swan's elegance finds its echo in her slender physique.

Her aura was divine like a goddess's; her face possessed a captivating beauty, painted with the hues of grace, leaving an everlasting impression on the canvas of memory. Yet her face bore no trace of happiness; instead, endless tears flowed through her lotus eyes, delicate petals reflecting the sorrows blooming within her soul.

She resembled a beautiful tragedy unfolding before the eyes of the world.

As she walked closer to the waters, a change unfolded in her eyes. The once sorrowful gaze now bore the flicker of determination, a silent resolve reflected in the depths of her stare.

She walked deeper and deeper into the water, surrendering to its embrace. The ripples trailed behind her like whispers of liberation, and as the water gradually enveloped her, it was as though she sought solace in its cool depths. The burdens of yesterday seemed to dissolve in the gentle caress of the current, leaving behind a sense of weightlessness. It was a silent communion with the river, a poignant dance of surrender beneath the open sky, a surrender to the flow of life.

In that moment, she cast away all her burdens of life, surrendering her soul to death; then, he appeared like a celestial guardian. With a gentle touch, he pulled her out from the death's embrace, from the depths of despair. It was as if his presence became the last string, holding her fabric of being, pulling her up from the dark depths, breathing life into her existence once more.

As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself enveloped in his arms. His presence radiated like the sun, dazzling her vision. Yet, amidst the brilliance, she managed to gaze upon the grace of his smile—an incandescent curve that seemed to carry the tranquility of a moonlit night, each beam cooling and reassuring, like the gentle touch of water on a weary soul.

He whispered words to her, but their meaning eluded her, lost in the hushed mysteries of his voice.

What did he whisper?


Short chapter update. 

Also, who do you think the woman and man are? Any guesses?

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