The Storm In One's Heart

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As the storm of destiny descended upon Hastinapur, the deafening roar of thunder echoed through the desolate halls, mirroring the tumult within Suyodhan's anguished heart.

The scent of impending rain, heavy and pregnant with uncertainty, hung in the air, intensifying the atmosphere of conflict that gripped the kingdom.

In the aftermath of Rajguru Dron's guru dakshina being fulfilled, the imminent proclamation of the crown prince loomed ominously. Although the consensus favored Prince Yudhister as the rightful heir, King Dhritarashtra, torn between duty and paternal affection, hesitated to swiftly decide the fate of the kingdom.

In a desperate bid to sway public sentiment, Suyodhan made a cunning plan—arranging the marriage of his cherished sister, Sushala, to Sindhuraj. The intent was to solidify alliances and augment Hastinapur's influence. However, the outcome was a cruel twist of fate; instead of securing power, Suyodhan almost lost his beloved sister due to the repercussions of his own selfish actions.

As Sushala's life hung in the balance, Suyodhan's grand design crumbled into insignificance. The coveted throne, once a burning aspiration, became a mere shadow in the face of familial crisis.

But now that Sushala was fine and doing well, in the ensuing chaos, the question of the next crown prince again reverberated through the desolate halls of Hastinapur.

Divisions sprouted among the people, some staunchly supporting Yudhister while others fervently rallying behind Suyodhan. King Dhritarashtra, wrestling with conflicting emotions, grappled with the monumental decision. Duty tugged at him, urging adherence to dharma, yet his heart, shrouded in paternal love, wavered.

The decisive moment arrived when the king, burdened by the responsibility of choosing his successor, rendered a verdict that cast a shadow over Suyodhan's fervent ambitions. The gravity of his father's grave expression communicated the crushing truth—Suyodhan would not ascend the throne.

Anguish and betrayal surged within Suyodhan as the cruel reality struck him like a relentless tempest. 

How could his own father do this to him? 

The bitter taste of betrayal mingled with the searing flames of jealousy, leaving Suyodhan to grapple with the storm of emotions that raged relentlessly within his anguished heart.

"I don't approve this, Father. Change your decision, or watch me declare war on this kingdom." Suyodhan threatened his father before storming out of the king's chambers in anger.

Suyyodhan was a simple person. He harbored profound love for his siblings and parents, yet the throne of Hastinapur held a unique place in his heart. It wasn't mere greed for power; he possessed ambitious aspirations, fueled by the belief that the throne rightfully belonged to him. However, all his dreams were shattered when what was rightfully his got snatched away by his five gifted cousins, planting the seeds of jealousy that became the bane of his destruction.

Restless, consumed by the fires of anger and hatred, Suyodhan yearned for solace. However, his dear friend Karn was away in his kingdom of Ang, and his dear Mamashree only knew how to fuel his anger. Determined not to let his anger escalate further, Suyodhan sought refuge by the banks of the river Ganga, hoping to calm his troubled mind in solitude.

When he reached the banks of the Ganga, he noticed some other people there. To his surprise, it was that wretched Dharma-loving Yudhister and his dear sister Sushala, both walking together – what an unexpected pair.

As he watched them engage in serious conversation, he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy again.

Look, Yudhister now even took my own sister to his side.

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