A Visit To Somnath

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"I'm joining you all," Suhana protested.

"Please. Please. Please," she begged, giving her best puppy eyes to her brothers.

Seeing them ignore her, she turned to Kanha.

"Please, Madhava. I've waited my whole life for this moment. I'll give up anything for this," she pleaded, folding her hands in desperation.

"No," he replied flatly.

"Is this your revenge?" she gasped.

"No, it's not."


"You're too much trouble. You'd only cause chaos."

"No, please. I'll behave perfectly."

"Still no."

She stared at him without blinking.

"Stop with the puppy eyes," he said, turning away with a sigh.

The moment she had been anticipating for many days had finally arrived. The letter from the princess of Vidarbha had come and Suhana couldn't stop gushing about it.

She couldn't contain her excitement, which soared higher than even Krishna could imagine. She had read the letter a hundred times over, still unable to believe her eyes.

"Mata Rukmini is coming!" Suhana jumped in the air, vigorously shaking hands with Kanha.

Finally, it's my time to shine. Oh, how I'll assist in rescuing Princess Vidarbha. Suhana, the ordinary girl who helped Shri Krishna elope with Rukmini. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I won't miss.

But they had to ruin it all.

Not just Sushasan, Arjun, and Kanha, but even Dau agreed it was better for her to stay in Dwarka.

"This is injustice!" she protested.

"Even he's going, but not I?!" She pointed accusingly at Sushasan.

Sushasan looked offended, while Arjun started to snicker. "What do you mean by that?" Sushasan scrutinized her with his gaze.

"You know exactly what I mean," she challenged back.

"She's talking about your lack of skill in shastra vidya, dear cousin," Arjun grinned broadly.

Sushasan glared at him and then turned to her, a sarcastic smile on his face. "Well, unlike you, I can actually use a sword. I can at least lift it," he retorted, leaving her momentarily speechless.

"You don't even like Vasudev. Why are you going?" she stressed out.

"I have my reasons, and I don't need to explain myself to you," he stated firmly.

"Damn your reasons!" she seethed in fury, then turned to Krishna, pointing at Sushasan. "If he's going, then I'm going too," she declared.

"Sushala—" Arjun tried to intervene, but she cut him off. "No, Bhrata Arjun. That's how it works with us. We're buy one, get one free," she remained adamant.

"Mahadev," Kanha sighed, looking up at the sky.

"Sushala," Dau finally spoke, his voice firm. "Enough now. You are not coming with us, and that's final," he declared.

"But Dau—" she started, only to be cut off by his stern glare. Defeated, she sighed and looked down at her feet.

"I'm sorry," she muttered quietly.

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