In The Bazaars Of Dwarka

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The majestic peacocks paraded gracefully through the gardens of the royal palace of Dwarka, flaunting their vibrant feathers in full splendor.

Their melodious sounds resonated through the air as they leisurely spread their wings and strolled about.

Suhana, hiding behind the bushes, stared wide-eyed, her eyes not blinking even once.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice whispered in her ear.

Suhana nearly had a heart attack when she found Kanha crouched beside her, grinning at her.

"Narayana!" she screamed out before hurriedly clamping her hands over her mouth, and darting a nervous glance back at the peacocks, relieved to find them still there.

"Haan bolo" Kanha's grin was even wider.

Suhana glared at him in response.

"Kya kar rahi ho, sakhi?" he asked loudly.

"Shh, keep your voice down," Suhana whispered panicked.

"Kyu kya hua? Aise chup kyu rahi ho?" He was unreasonably loud today.

"Kanha," she placed her finger to her lips, signaling him to stay silent, and glanced back at the peacocks.

"Why?" he whispered back, but Suhana chose to ignore him and focused on watching the peacocks instead.

He stared blankly at her for a few seconds before he began to poke her shoulder repeatedly, causing Suhana to lose her balance and fall from her crouching position.

Suhana widened her eyes in disbelief as she landed on her butt again, while he only smiled innocently at her.

"You evil prankster in the name of a god," She gritted out, glaring at him fiercely.

"I'm going to kill you and I don't care if I go to hell for this," Suhana attacked him, but Kanha was quick to grab her hands.

Suhana squirmed like a dying fish in Krishna's grasp while he laughed harder.

"Krishna, let me go!" she yelled.

"Oh no, look, the peacocks flew away," Kanha gasped.

Suhana stood up, her eyes scanning the garden for the majestic birds, but they were nowhere to be seen. Her loud scream had scared them away.

Kanha also stood up, watching her with amusement.

"This is all your fault," Suhana huffed, hands on her hips, as she turned to glare at him.

Her small stature meant she had to crane her neck to maintain her glare. And her neck was already aching.

"My fault?" He said feigning shock as he couldn't believe she said that.

"You're the one who screamed at the top of your lungs. Don't blame me," he retorted, mimicking her with hands on his hips.

"Oh, don't play innocent. You tricked me into scaring the peacocks away on purpose, didn't you?" she accused, narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, so what? You were ignoring me."

Suhana's mouth hung wide in disbelief.

"I was born to be the center of attention," Krishna flicked his hair with a dramatic flair.

"And I don't like being ignored," he bopped her nose.

Suhana swatted his hand away and rubbed her nose as she glared at him fiercely, her eyes burning with intensity, but he met her gaze with a playful smirk, his expression teasing.

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