The Melody

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In the aftermath of Suhana's unexpected horseback descent, the entire Kuru family had once again gathered in her chambers.

Suhana reluctantly found herself once again at the center of the Kuru family's attention, wishing fervently that Bhoo Devi would kindly open up and swallow her whole.

The throbbing pain in her leg was already challenging enough; she couldn't bear the prospect of enduring another round of their unnecessary family drama.

An air of anxiety permeated the room as everyone awaited the verdict on her well-being.

With bated breath, they watched as the Vaidya examined her injured leg. The tension reached its peak until the Vaidya finally rose to deliver the verdict.

"It's nothing serious," the Vaidya announced, breaking the suspense.

"She's sprained her ankle. With some rest and the applying of this ointment, she'll be back on her feet in no time."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room. Suyodhan, who had worn the weight of worry on his face, visibly relaxed at the news.

"Thanks to Bhole Nath, nothing serious happened" Maharani Gandhari sighed in relief.

She then, displaying her motherly authority, promptly took charge."Rest is what she needs now. The rest of you, out," she declared, ushering everyone out from Suhana's chambers.

Suyodhan, being the last to leave, reluctantly exited, wearing a grumpy expression that resembled a scolded child.

Oh, she's a goddess in disguise. Thank you, mom.

Suhana, with a profound sense of relief, silently applauded Maharani Gandhari's impromptu intervention, sparing her from another performance of the ongoing saga of Kuru Family Dramatics.

Left in the company of the two matriarchs, Gandhari and Kunti, Suhana found herself the center of motherly attention.

Gandhari, to Suhana's surprise, bestowed a gentle kiss on her forehead, earning an embarrassed reaction from the young woman.

A sudden warmth surged beneath Suhana's skin, painting her cheeks in hues of crimson. It was an unanticipated reaction, a silent acknowledgment of the tender affection bestowed upon her.

Rajmata Kunti, ever the source of lightheartedness, couldn't help but find amusement in Suhana's bashfulness, and laughed.

"What happened, Kunti?" inquired Gandhari.

"Jiji, your daughter looks like a tomato," Kunti chuckled, her laughter echoing in the room.

"A tomato?" Gandhari questioned in confusion.

"It's because you kissed her. She became all shy," Kunti explained, both women joining in shared laughter.

"Jiji, if she's this shy with your kisses, how will she react to her husband then?" Kunti teased, her eyes dancing with playful amusement.

Suhana gasped in surprise. "Haw?" she exclaimed.

Husband? Kissing?

"Mata Kunti, how can you tease me like that?" Suhana pouted, earning yet another laugh, this time from Gandhari.

Gandhari, sensing Suhana's discomfort, reached out and caressed her face lovingly. "She's so cute," she remarked.

Mata Kunti, not to be left out, playfully pinched Suhana's cheek. "Indeed, she is," she added.

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