Meeting the Yadavas

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As they arrived in Dwarka, a jubilant atmosphere enveloped the city. Cheers echoed through the streets. Petals of colorful flowers danced in the air.

As the people of Dwarka caught sight of the beautiful princess standing beside their Dwarakadish, a sense of curiosity and surprise rippled through the crowd.

The princess stood tall and regal, and in her delicate hands, she held pink lotuses. With a radiant smile that lit up her face, she radiated an aura of warmth and kindness.

"Is she Devi Laxmi, herself?" One voice pondered, marveling at the lotus in her hand.

"I think she is," another replied, " Look how she glows like a full moon."

"Oh, she's giving a competition to our Lord. Haha." Laughter rippled through the gathering as someone remarked.

Observing the exchange of glances between the princess and Dwarakadish, speculation ran wild.

"Are they going to get married? They will make a beautiful pair like Laxmi Narayana!"

"Yes, they will make a beautiful pair," they agreed, "and perhaps it's time for our Lord to finally settle down. At least his mischievous antics might lessen."

That earned a few approvals from others, but one woman protested.

"Oh, how can you utter such words?" the woman exclaimed. "His marriage would shatter the hearts of countless young maidens, mine included!"

"Oi sush! You are already married. What if your husband overhears?" One playfully asked her. Laughter followed the jest, as playful banter filled the air.

But the woman brushed off the concern with a carefree laugh, "Who cares about my husband anyway?"

But then, with a sudden gasp, she exclaimed, "Narayana! Dwarakadish smiled at me!! I'm going to faint."

Suhana's gaze drifted towards Krishna as he chuckled at something. Intrigued, she followed his line of sight and saw a woman fainting, surrounded by a group of other women rushing to her aid.

"What's so amusing?" she asked, curious about the source of Krishna's amusement.

"Oh, it's nothing," he replied with a genuine smile, his eyes filled with warmth. "The people of Dwarka never fail to charm me with their love."

Suhana hummed, agreeing with him, her own gaze sweeping over the crowd surrounding them. She watched as the people waved enthusiastically, showering them with flower petals, their faces filled with joy, and a smile graced her own lips.

The grand palace of Dwarka emerges from the landscape like a pearl nestled amidst the azure waters of the surrounding ocean.

As their chariot approaches the palace gates, they are greeted by towering columns adorned with intricate carvings and studded with valuable vajras

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As their chariot approaches the palace gates, they are greeted by towering columns adorned with intricate carvings and studded with valuable vajras. Statues of devas and divine beings flank the entrance.

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