It's Not A Dream

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Suhana had a strange dream that felt astonishingly real. In this vivid dream of hers, she met her dear Shri Krishna. How funny.

But then she heard sounds resembling people crying.

Who on earth is crying now? Can't I even sleep in peace? She thought in frustration.

"Sushala" The cries became more distinct now.

Am I perhaps dead? Why is everyone crying?

Suhana slowly blinked her eyes open and found herself face-to-face with her anxious brother, Sushasan. Seeing his face so close almost gave her a heart attack.

"Rakshas!" she yelled, instinctively pushing his face away with her hand, almost delivering an unintended slap.

Sushasan tumbled backward from the force of Suhana's slap.

And when she realized it was her peculiar brother, she calmed down a bit but didn't withhold her lecture.

"What on earth are you doing?" Suhana exclaimed in disbelief.

Undeterred by Suhana's forceful push, Sushasan instantly embraced her tightly, as if seeking revenge for the unexpected slap.

And so, Suhana's nightmare decided to hit the replay button. Flashbacks rushed in, as she remembered her first day in Dwapar Yug when the Kuru family turned the group hugs into what felt more like a death sentence.

"Sushasan, hold up!"

"Listen, I didn't shove you on purpose. It was pure self-defense. I thought you were a monster, okay? Well, you can't blame me when your mustache sucks; it makes you look like a creep. You should definitely cut them off."

"Shut up. My mustache is just fine," Sushasan hissed.

As Suhana struggled to push him away, she felt warm tears on her, and the realization struck her- Sushasan was crying, and she went still in his hold.

"Thank goodness you're alright. When I saw you lying here unconscious, it felt like the last time I witnessed your state after you drowned in the Ganga. I thought I lost you," Sushasan whispered, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh God, Sushasan, stop crying. It's okay. I'm fit and fine. Nothing happened to me. It's alright, Sushi," Suhana reassured, patting his shoulder to comfort him.

"I thought I lost you," Sushasan wailed, producing an ugly cry that could rival a distressed walrus.

"You'll really lose me if you keep squeezing like this, Sushasan. I can't breathe. Let me go," Suhana pleaded, gasping for air.

Finally loosening his grip, Sushasan released her, and Suhana let out a sigh of relief.

"Nothing happened, my dear brother. Look, I'm unscathed, not a scratch, not a single 'ouch,' perfectly intact, Sushi," she playfully winked.

(Says the one who was crying a few moments ago)

"Stop with that ridiculous name," Sushasan glared.

"It's a lovely name, Sushi," Suhana grinned.

"Enough, seriously," he rolled his eyes.

"Sushi. Sushi. Sushi," Suhana continued teasing, while an irritated Sushasan contemplated throwing her into the river again to get rid of her when suddenly, another person joined their chaos and pulled Suhana into an unexpected chokehold of a hug.

And it was none other than Subhadra, who cried non-stop.

"Bhadrae, I'm going to die if you don't release me now. I can't breathe," Suhana said, almost suffocated.

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