Suhana's fantastic luck

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"Stop both of you now" Suhana's scream echoed through the forest. Some nearby birds even flew away at her yell.

Arjun and Sushasan both froze and gulped at the sight of their sister who was glaring at them while Subhadra, usually the quiet observer of their conflicts, wore an expression of fear as her eyes darted between the princes and a fuming Suhana.

Subhadra quickly moonwalked away from Suhana, not wanting to be the one facing her wrath.

What Suhana thought to be a peaceful happy journey to Dwarka turned out to be the torturous journey of her life.

It was the biggest mistake of her life to bring Arjun and Sushasan together.

Arjun and Sushasan didn't get along at all. Always at each other's throats, they behaved like brats, fought for the silliest reason, like today they are fighting over the last laddo. Seriously for a laddo. They went as far as to get their weapons. Arjun got his bow and arrow while Sushasan was ready with his sword, both ready to kill over a single laddo.

 "Always eyeing our things, you beggar." Sushasan hissed.

"Yeah, a beggar who is an excellent warrior compared to you, who can't even fight to save his life," Arjun retorted.

 "Overconfident much? I hope you're as good with your arrows as you are with your stupid jokes." Sushasan shot back.

Arjun, with a raised eyebrow, replied, "Stupid jokes? I believe my jokes have better accuracy than your aim. You can't fight, Sushasan."

Sushasan, visibly angered, declared, "How dare you? Let me teach you a lesson, cousin," glaring intensely.

"I challenge you to a battle, Arjun!" Sushasan roared.

Pointing at the lone laddo on the plate, he added, "This belongs to whoever wins this duel."

"Bring it on. I'm not scared." Arjun angrily accepted the fight.

And so, the two cousins stood ready with their weapons, prepared to prove who among them was the superior warrior and claim the prize of the laddo, like it was a princess in swayamvar.

Suhana fed up with the absurdity of their ongoing quarrel, decided to intervene and directed a stern glare from Arjun to Sushasan.

Their eyes avoided her gaze, making them resemble kids caught in an act, facing a disapproving mother.

"He is the one who started this," Arjun and Sushasan as if rehearsed, simultaneously chorused, pointing accusatory fingers at each other, attempting to shift the blame on each other.

"Oh, stop it. I saw and heard everything," Suhana, unimpressed, interrupted their blame game.

"What are you? 5-year-old brats? Fighting for a laddo? Ridiculous. And the fight was about the laddo; why do you want to battle now? Seriously, this is the 5th time you've picked your weapons in the last 24 hours," Suhana exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Turning her attention to Sushasan, she demanded, "Sushasan, first apologize to him. You called him a beggar first."

"Why me? Even he called me so many things. Let him apologize first, then I'll also apologize," Sushasan denied immediately.

 "Why me? You go first."Arjun, retorting angrily, insisted.

"Why should I?" Sushasan became defensive again.

"I won't apologize until he won't apologize."the two cousins, stuck in a loop of refusing apologies, chorused once more. 

 "Enough. Always fighting. Always searching for reasons to fight. I'm so tired, you guys. Don't apologize. Go kill each other. I'm leaving." Suhana declared, reaching her breaking point.

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