Sweats, Swords & Shenanigans

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What would one assume if God said he had a surprise for you?

Most likely, something great, something you've always wished for.

Suhana felt the same way when Krishna told her he had a surprise in store.

The story began when Kanha came early in the morning to her chambers, disrupting her peaceful sleep by screaming in her ear to wake her up. He stood there, grinning mischievously, fully aware of the chaos he had caused.

Suhana woke up ready to murder the person who dared to disrupt her sleep, but upon seeing it was Kanha, she halted her murder plan and stared at him in surprise.

However, when Kanha laughed in her face, she realized she had been pranked by the notorious Gopala. She then charged at him with her pillow in anger, swinging it wildly in his direction, only to halt as Kanha effortlessly caught her pillow mid-air and threw it away.

"Get ready quickly. I've got a surprise for you," his melodious laugh filled the air.

And that was enough for Suhana to melt and throw her anger out of the window.

Starting your morning by catching a glimpse of Madhava's divine form wasn't such a bad way to begin the day after all.

I ask you again, what would one assume if Shri Krishna himself said he had a surprise for you?

Let me tell you what Suhana assumed-

1. She thought Krishna might get her phone back. She imagined it being enchanted with Krishna's magic, never running out of battery or data. The idea of living in Dwaparayuga with such a phone thrilled her.

2. Suhana imagined Krishna surprising her with a feast of her favorite junk food—noodles, chips, chocolates, and, of course, her dear ice cream. Oh, how bad she was craving for an ice cream. Scratch that phone; ice cream is going to be her number one on the list.

3. And the most mundane, realistic thought she had was an outing. She thought Krishna would take her on a mini tour of his Dwarka—the magnificent city, its lively bazaars, and the seafront. Ah, she was so excited.

No matter how unrealistic they may sound, a girl can dream, right? Right?

But did any of these happen?

You have guessed it right.

No, this was far from what she had dreamed of.

Beneath the vast expanse of the Dwarka palace grounds, the sun blazed overhead, casting a scorching heat upon the land.

"So, you are asking me to pick a weapon, and you'll teach me?"

Suhana chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement as she gazed at Kanha, who stood beside her, his towering form casting a striking silhouette against the backdrop of the sunlit sky.

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