Suhana Becomes The Cupid

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As the first rays of light delicately caressed Suhana's room, she awoke with a smile.

Turning her gaze to the cherished idol of Kanha, her smile widened even more. "Good morning," she beamed.

Jaya, as per her routine, entered the chambers to discover the princess already awake, a pleased expression on her face, she glowed like the morning sun.

"Good morning, Jaya," Suhana greeted with a radiant smile.

"Good morning, Sushala," Jaya replied with a reciprocal smile.

Approaching Suhana, Jaya couldn't help but express surprise. "Oh my! What's with the glow on your face, princess? It even outshines the radiance of the sun. You look so pleased today. What's the secret?"

Suhana, taking Jaya by the shoulders, "Oh, my priya sakhi, it's the love that blossoms in my heart upon seeing you that brings this radiant glow today", she confessed dramatically and then hugged Jaya in a lover's embrace while Jaya giggled at her dramatics.

While still in the warm embrace, Jaya found herself enveloped in the divine fragrance emanating from Suhana's hair. As Suhana's locks cascaded onto her shoulders, they were adorned with the most exquisite snow-white flowers Jaya had ever seen.

Upon pulling back and observing Suhana, Jaya marveled at the sight -Suhana was adorned with these white blossoms and looked no less than a divine beauty.

Perplexed, Jaya inquired, "Suha, what are these heavenly-smelling flowers in your hair?"

Equally puzzled, Suhana touched her hair with her hands, and a Parijat flower gently fell into her palm.

Surprised, Suhana examined the Parijat in her hand. "How did this end up in my hair?"

Jaya pointed out, "There are more."

Confused, Suhana approached the mirror and saw her reflection. Her hair was filled with Parijats gracefully tucked into the strands.

Where did these come from? Did I sleepwalk to the garden?

Jaya joined Suhana near the mirror, taking a flower from her hand to smell. "What is this flower? I've never seen them before."

"It's a Parijat. You've never seen them?" Suhana asked confused.

Jaya shook her head, gently removing the remaining flowers from Suhana's hair.

It's common to use Parijat in pooja. Strange, she never saw them.

Carefully, Suhana gathered the flowers and placed them in a bowl.

"Well, it's time for your bath Suha," Jaya smiled, guiding her to the bathing chamber.

Upon immersing herself in the bath, the air was infused with the fragrant aroma of herbal water, creating a soothing atmosphere and Suhana sighed in peace.

Jaya returned with sandal paste and other herbs, to help her with her bath.

Oh, the perks of being a princess in Dwapar Yug. The traditional beauty care of Dwapar Yug worked like magic. It made her skin so soft and supple, and her face glowed like the moon. Not even the Korean products she bought in her time, could compete with them. Suhana made a mental note to ask Jaya for all the ingredients to make notes.

After her bath, Suhana draped herself in the soft embrace of a blue saree. Delicate jhumkas, framing her face and adorned with a necklace woven from white motis, looked like stardust sprinkled upon her neck. Her hair, adorned with sweet-smelling flowers and beautiful accessories, flowed freely in graceful waves. Lips tinted with a gentle pink, eyes adorned with kajal, and a bindi positioned like a radiant star between her brows completed her alluring look. As she gazed upon her reflection, Suhana couldn't help but smile in contempt.

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