The Wrong Life On The Line

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It wasn't difficult to notice that Andrea had changed since the CDC. She had become more argumentative, and it was what was slowly driving Parker insane. Yes, of course, she understood that Andrea was upset about losing Amy, but that was no excuse for the way she was acting and treated everyone around her. Rick unrolled an arsenal of melee weapons. "Everyone takes a weapon."

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need," Andrea said, a hand on her hip as she eyed the arsenal laid out in front of her. "What about the guns?"

"Andrea, we already went over this with you," Parker said. "Shane, Daryl, and Rick have guns because they know how to shoot them. They will only shoot them in an emergency. The rest of us, including you, cannot be trusted nor are we trained, regardless of what you think." She was a bit upset when she wasn't allowed to carry a gun since she was a good shot, Rick knew that too. But she also understood that fewer people having guns meant there was less ammo being used. Daryl had to hide his smile while Andrea looked furious. Shane intervened before an argument could break out.

"We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles."

"It's not the trees I'm worried about," Andrea countered.

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment and a herd happens to be passing by," Shane said. "See, then it's game over for all of us. So you need to get over it." Parker, who had picked up a large blade, gestured to the rest of the group with it.

"Do you see anyone else complaining?" Andrea didn't say anything and Parker raised her eyebrows. "I didn't think so."

"The idea is to take the creek up about five miles, and come back down on the other side" Daryl explained the plan. "Chances are, she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark."

"Stay quiet. Stay sharp." Rick instructed. "Keep space between you and always stay within sight of each other."

"Everybody assemble your packs," Shane said.

"Dale, keep on those repairs," Rick added. "We got to get this RV ready to move."

"We won't stay here a minute longer than we have to," Dale promised. "Good luck out there. Bring Sophia back."

"Keep an eye on Carl while we're gone." Parker's eyes widened.

"I know where this is going. I'm leaving." She walked over to where Daryl was and when she approached him, he threw a can of beans at her.

"In case you get lost."

"Wow," Parker said, putting the can in her backpack which she has had since the beginning. "I'll be fine. Thanks for the extra food though."

"You can never be too sure," Daryl smirked. When the group headed out, Parker found herself at the front with Rick and Daryl. The machete she had picked up was strapped to her belt, next to the knife she always carried in case of emergency. She had gotten quite skilled with it, and even Rick seemed impressed when he saw her flipping it in her hands out of boredom a few days ago. 

Daryl ordered everyone to stop about two miles into their walk, crouching down as he peered through some bushes. Parker crouched down next to her brother and looked through the bushes, locating the tent set up between the trees. It seemed to be abandoned, but you could never be too sure in the apocalypse.

"She could be in there," Shane said quietly.

"There could be a whole bunch of things in there," Daryl told them all. Rick silently ordered everyone to stay back, and Parker stepped back to stand next to Carl, who was more than happy to show the knife he had been allowed to carry to someone who would appreciate it. While Daryl checked the tent out, Rick called Carol forward and the rest of the group followed her.

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