Prison Breach

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A few days later, Parker was sitting in the driver's seat of one of the group cars, helping to move the bus so that it faced the other way and no longer blocked the door.

"Okay, let's get the next car in," Rick said. "We'll park 'em in the west entry of the yard."

"Good," Daryl tossed the keys over to Glenn as he walked over. "Our vehicles camped out there look like a giant vacancy sign."

"After that, we need to load those corpses so we can burn 'em," Rick responded as Parker got out of the truck to join the rest of them.

"Gonna be a long day," T-Dog sighed.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie?" Parker asked once she reached them. 

"We could use some help," Carol added.

"Up in the guard tower," Daryl answered, pointing up to it.

"Guard tower?" Rick questioned, eyebrows pinched together. "They were just up there last night."

"Glenn!" Daryl yelled. "Maggie!" Glenn opened the door after a moment, still putting on his pants. He clearly wasn't expecting to be called out, because he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"Hey, what's up, guys?" Parker laughed as Daryl put his hands on his hips. 

"You coming?"


"You comin'?" Daryl repeated. "Come on, we could use a hand."

"Yeah, we- we'll be right down," Glenn held up a finger. Parker laughed again. 

"So that's what they do up there.." She nudged Daryl. "We should go up there sometime." Daryl turned red and Parker almost died.

"Hey, Rick," T-Dog called, seeing Oscar and Axel at the fence. They all turned to see what he was looking at, their smiles quickly dropping.

"Come with me," Rick ground out through clenched teeth, all of them running over to the fence. When they reached them, he held out his hand. "That's close enough. We had an agreement."

"Please, mister, we know that." Axel stuttered. "We made a deal. But you gotta understand... we can't live in that place another minute. You follow me? All the bodies... people we knew. Blood, and brains everywhere. There's ghosts."

"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl suggested.

"You should have burned them. Just gonna make it worse by keeping the bodies there." Parker added.

"We tried," Axel replied. "We did."

"The fence is down on the far side of the prison," Oscar explained. "Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. Dropping the body and just running back inside."

"Look, we had nothing to do with Thomas and Andrew," Axel tried to tell them. "Nothing. You trying to prove a point? You proved it, bro. We'll do whatever it takes to be part of your group. Just please, please, don't make us live in that place."

"Rick.." Parker said quietly but he held up a hand to silence her. She kissed her teeth, arms crossed over her chest in annoyance.

"Our deal is not negotiable," Rick shook his head. "You either live in your cellblock or you leave."

"I told you this was a waste of time," Oscar looked over at Axel. "They ain't no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends' corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw them out like..." He trailed off sadly. "...These were good guys. Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in our joint. Like Thomas and Andrew. Now we've all made mistakes to get in here, chief. And I'm not going to pretend to be a saint, but believe me, we've paid our due. Enough that we would rather hit that road than to go back into that shithole." They locked them outside the fence while they discussed what to do with them. T-Dog seemed to be a defender of allowing them to stay, and Parker was leaning towards agreeing with him.

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