No Him, No Me

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Parker woke up in a room she didn't recognize, sitting in front of a man she didn't know. His hair was a lighter brown and peppered with grays, He had a bandage covering his eye, the blood slowly soaking the white cotton red. She whimpered, looking at her shirt to see it soaked in blood. The bullet had gone through her stomach, but she hoped it hadn't hit anything important. If it had, she'd probably be dead. She lifted her head slightly, looking at the man sitting in front of her. "Where's Daryl?"

"Your boyfriend is fine," The man replied the cocky grin on his face unnerving her. "I just wanted to talk to you before the main event."

"What are you talking about?" Parker asked, hissing in pain as she struggled to sit herself up. "Where is he?"

"I ask the questions here," The man snapped, leaning forward in his chair. "Now, I want you to tell me why you think it's okay to come here and start killing my people."

"You kidnapped our people first, you piece of shit," Parker ground out, it was only fair that they came and got them. "If you thought we wouldn't come for them, you're as stupid as you are ugly."

"If I were you, I'd watch what you say," The man spat, a pistol resting in his hand that loosely hung over the back of the chair. "I wouldn't want to cause any problems for you or your boyfriend."

"Where is he?" Parker asked again, losing any emotion in her voice.

"Like I said, he's okay," The man repeated slower, avoiding her question. "You know, those friends of yours, the ones who were here before, are just like you. Brave. But we broke them. We got them to tell us everything we needed to know, like the location of this little prison.

"Let me go," Parker demanded quietly. "Let me go. My brother is going to kill you."

"Your brother isn't here, is he?" The man waved a hand, looking around. "So... I don't think I will."

"Where the hell is Daryl? What did you do to him!?" The man stood up, slowly moving towards her. 

"Why don't we go find out?" When he walked toward her, Parker instantly backed away, ignoring the searing pain in her lower abdomen. She pushed his hands away, even though she was trying to come off as brave or cold she was terrified, she didn't know him and at this very moment, she was alone. 

"Don't you dare put your hands on me!" Another man entered the room, carrying a gun, Parker's gun, and a bag, which they threw over her head. She continued to fight until eventually being pinned to the bed, hands tied in front of her. She cried out in pain when she felt a hand on her arm, lifting her to her feet and dragging her out of the room. She kept trying to free herself, planting her feet on the ground, but when one of them punched her in her stomach, just above the bullet wound, the air was knocked out of her lungs. She let out a cry of pain, her body giving up on her, the two men just hauled her back onto her feet and led her. She had no more energy to fight. She was in agony, and as much as she tried to fight the pain, she couldn't. She was bleeding from the gunshot wound, and she could feel herself getting weaker the more she fought. Instead of fighting, she pressed her hands on her wound, trying to put pressure on it like Hershel had told them all so many times before. She could hear people chatting quietly, mumbling to themselves as they carried her to wherever they were taking her. She could hear the same man's voice from before, authoritative and booming.

"What can I say? Hasn't been a night like this since the walls were completed." As soon as he started speaking, the voices all quieted down. Parker tried to squint through the small holes in the bag to try and see what was happening. "And I thought we were past it. Past the days when.... we all sat, huddled scared in front of the TV during the early days of the outbreak." Turning her head, she was instantly met with someone shoving her forward a step.

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