TERMINUS, Sanctuary For All?

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Later that day, Parker left Carl sleeping in the car and went for a walk with Daryl, going up the road to talk without the fear of being overheard. He kept asking her if she was okay and every time, she didn't have an answer. If she said yes it would be a lie. But it was obvious she wasn't not okay. Finally, she answered the question with three simple words.

"I don't know." Daryl reached for her hand, not knowing how to comfort her. He didn't want to pressure her or force her into making a decision. He wanted to give her the space she needed to process but he also wanted her to know that he was there for her

"Take your time." Parker crossed her arms, hugging herself.

"I'm not fine." She admitted before stopping and looking at him. She walked over to Daryl and hugged him, clinging tightly to the back of his jacket, her face pressed against his chest.

"I got you." He whispered, rubbing her back

"I know," Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not leaving me." She answered, looking up at him.

"I ain't ever gonna leave you. Not again." Daryl promised her.

"I know," Parker whispered with a soft sigh. "I just have to get over this like the first.."

"The first what?" Daryl asked when it became clear that she wasn't planning on continuing. She pulled away, looking down at her feet.

"Nothing. I... maybe another day, alright?" She mumbled, not meeting his gaze. Daryl nodded and left her alone. She needed time and that was that. He hated seeing her like this but he also knew this was something that he couldn't fix.

"Parker!" They both looked behind themselves at the sound of Rick yelling. "Daryl! It's time to go." He waved them over. And just like before the prison, they were back on the road. Leaving the Claimers' camp behind along with the memories of the night before. Parker held Daryl's hand as they walked, the five of them returning to the train tracks, following them to wherever they led. They were determined to believe that this place was actually a sanctuary, now more than ever. With everything they have been through, they deserved a place where they could feel safe. Rick and Michonne were just ahead of Parker, Carl, and Daryl, leading the way. Carl had squeezed his way between the two and Parker rested her arm around his shoulder. He looked between the two with a curious expression on his face.

"Can I call you my uncle now?" He asked Daryl, Parker laughed as Daryl shrugged.

"Call me what you want as long as it ain't 'Pookie.'"

"He hates being called 'Pookie.'" Parker commented, glancing over at him. "Dontcha, Pookie?" Daryl rolled his eyes as Carl snickered.

"Fine. I won't call you 'Pookie.' I can't wait to meet your baby."

"Me neither," Parker subconsciously placed her hand over her stomach. "What do you want it to be?"

"A boy," Carl instantly replied. "Definitely. You can call him Rory."

"Rory," Parker mused, looking at Daryl. "That's one to add to the list."

"And if it's a girl, Estella," Carl suggested. "Estella Dixon."

"Dixon-Grimes." Parker corrected. "There's no way Daryl gets all the name credit when I'm the one that's gotta do all the hard work."

"Even better." Carl smiled. Rick and Michonne stopped next to another marker, this time on the ground, and Rick brushed the leaves off with his foot. Daryl leaned forward, getting a closer look at it.

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