Just Live With It

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Parker could barely see where she was stepping as they were led through the forest, following the vague orders Paula gave them. She continued tripping over tree roots until her feet touched the asphalt and a car door opened.

"Get in," Paula ordered, and Maggie and Parker slid into the backseat. Their hands were bound together with duct tape and their mouths gagged before the car even started moving. They kept their jackets over their heads, distorting their view and preventing them from knowing where they were going. When the car finally stopped, they were taken inside a building, carefully trying to navigate the stairs before a walker growled causing her to nearly slip. Once they got to the bottom, her jacket was ripped from her head, she saw a walker inches from her face and gasped before a knife was slammed into the back of its skull, sticking out its eye. "Get on the ground. You, over there." She instructed as she let the walker's body drop to the ground. Parker crossed the room to the wall and slowly slid down until she was on the floor. Maggie was sitting across the room, and Paula began taping Parker's feet together. "Just from that angry look in your eyes, I can tell you're wondering if there's a way out of this." Paula assumed only making Parker glare at her. "Well, lucky for you.. there isn't. Not unless I say so." Before Paula could tape Maggie's legs, a woman shouted for help.

"Paula, I need backup!" She rose to her full height, shooting stares at the two on the floor.

"I want to kill you both right now. It's taking all I have not to, so go ahead, I dare you. Try something. Just see what happens." The threat was very much there, so neither of them made a move to do anything as she left the room, slamming the door closed behind her. Parker bent her knees to bring her feet as close as possible, struggling to reach the side of her boot. It had been Daryl's idea to hide a small blade in the lining of her boot in case a situation like this arose. They had thought about it after the Terminus fiasco, and at first, Parker thought it was a good idea, but with her belly minimizing her movements, she struggled to reach her foot. The gunfire outside stopped and Parker dropped her legs back onto the concrete flooring, pretending like nothing had happened while Maggie did the same. Sitting there, helpless, Parker felt one of her babies move, feeling a slight pain in her ribs, assuming it kicked her. The door burst open and their kidnappers entered, Paula walked in first. "When's the last time anyone checked this place?"

"It was fine a month ago," The youngest answered her, the girl's brown hair now a mess from whatever happened out there.

"Sweetie, that was a month. Shit hards quick." The eldest responded. "The guns have gone bye-bye. The food's gone bye-bye, and we got growlers up and down the halls."

"It means people can get through too," The man pointed out, slightly panicked. "Maybe we should get gone."

"Yeah? Where the hell to?" The dark-haired girl asked him.

"Nowhere," Paula responded. "Got dead in the halls? Free security. Those assholes get here before our people, the cold bloods will buy us some time." Parker zoned out after that, thinking about Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and the rest of the group. The majority were probably stressed out of their minds. She wondered what Carol had told them when she got back, and the thought of Daryl was enough to draw a labored gasp from Parker's lips. She wished he was here, and as she tried to calm her breathing, she choked on the gag in her mouth, before managing to get it out. Paula watched her, not happy that she'd managed to get the gag off. "What's wrong with you? Are you really that afraid of dying? I mean... you and your people come here, kill us in the middle of the night and you're scared of getting your ticket punched."

"I'm not afraid of dying," Parker spat out. "I'm afraid of what would happen to my babies if I die."

"You're pretty stupid for getting knocked up at a time like this," Paula commented.

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