Clearing Out The Prison

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They gathered at the fence and Rick used Dale's old bolt cutters to cut a hole in the chain link fence while the rest of the group watched. When the space was big enough, everyone squeezed through the fence while Glenn closed the hole with some loose pieces of wire they found while searching through the trash. The group ran towards the front gates of the prison, walkers crashing into the fence as they ran by. They all looked out at the yard filled up with walkers, some questioning if it was a good idea to be here in the first place. 

"It's perfect," Rick said, looking out over the field. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

"But how do we close the gate?" Hershel asked.

"I'll do it," Glenn offered. "You guys cover me."

"No," Maggie argued. "It's a suicide run."

"I'm the fastest," Glenn countered, sharing a quick look with her.

"No, you, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can over there," Rick instructed, pointing to a spot at the fence. "Pop 'em through the fence. Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl take this tower."

"Right," Carl agreed quietly and left, Hershel following behind him.

"I'll run to the gate," Rick sighed, looking back at the hungry walkers as they clung to the fence behind them. Parker raised her eyebrows.

"Do you really think I'm letting you go in there alone?"

"I suppose not?" Rick answered, not understanding what she meant.

"Wow, you know me so well," Parker rolled her eyes. "I mean you've only known me my whole life. Look, there's a better chance if there's two of us."

"Okay, just be careful," Rick told her knowing he couldn't talk her out of it. Daryl grabbed her shoulder and she stopped in her tracks looking at him.


"You kinda need this," He held out the chain and lock, stuffing them into her hands.

"Look at you thinking with your head." She teased as she walked away.

"Someone has to." They headed to the main gate, which Lori opened and closed behind them once they were through. After that, it was about working as a team. Parker looked to the right, Rick looked to the left and they moved in sync, taking down the walkers that got too close to them while the rest killed and distracted the rest. At one point, Rick reached out a hand and stopped Parker from running when a bullet hit the ground in front of them. They both looked up towards the watchtower, where Carol stood trying to hold back a laugh.

"Sorry!" She called as she reloaded her gun. When they reached the door, Rick kicked a walker trying to pass before slamming it shut. Parker tossed him the locks as she took out her gun and shot the walkers approaching them while Rick chained the door. The two entered the watchtower, climbing the stairs two at a time to reach the top. Parker took the rifle off her shoulder and rested it on the rails as she looked through the scope. She had gotten good in the last few months, rarely missing a shot. As she and Rick shared a look, they both smiled, proud of having managed to complete their plan without a hitch. It was nice to secure a victory for once because all winter they had been counting their losses. When the last walker fell, Parker turned to Rick.

"I can't believe we did it."

"Well, we did," Rick said, high-fiving her.

"Let's get back to the others," Parker tossed the rifle back over her shoulder, heading towards the stairs. When night came, the group felt safer than they had in months. Daryl was standing guard on top of an overturned eighteen-wheeler, keeping his distance from the group. Like he always did. He wasn't good with social interaction, and paranoia was his worst enemy here, so he preferred to stay alone. Parker picked up a plate of food after finishing hers, she headed towards Daryl and climbed onto the side of the truck, she didn't want him to be alone, regardless of whether he chose to be or not.

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