"imagine if we were dating"

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• We all know that smiley face is his default, but when he hears this, hes just extra smiley

• "Dating??" Then a series of long giggles, covering his mouth to hide his smile. "You're joking!~"

• Refuses to take your seriously because the way his heart is fluttering?!?!

• Builds enough courage to grab your hand and rub some circles on it, but stops when you start wiggling your eyebrows

• "I'd like that." He'd finally say, letting out another laugh ♡


• Tries to play it cool, but hes screaming on the inside

• All the times he flirted with you, he just thought of you as a friend. But now that you popped the question.. its making him rethink himself

• "What would you do?" He says both teasingly and curiously, but almost dies on the spot when you straddle his lap

• The way your arms are around his neck and how you keep staring at his lips makes him feral

• So he connects them, getting it over with because hes been daydreaming about it too ♡


• Takes this as a opportunity to make you flustered

• "Oh? What would i do?" He says as hes inching closer, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear

• A grin on his face when he sees how red you're getting

• But his eyes widen when you start leaning closer to him, feeling your breath fanning against his face

• You lean back with a giggle, sungchan still frozen with his red face and wide eyes ♡


• Hes quieter than anton

• Because how dare you ask "what if we were dating" to him on the phone, out of nowhere

• Kind of happy you cant see his red face but his quietness is making you giggle

• "Wonbin? You there?" Your voice sends him out of his trance, stuttering like crazy to say yeah

• Dreams about you that night, imagining how he would treat you so well and what places he would take you, where you would go.. etc. ♡


• Also thinks youre joking

• But laughs it off

• Until you say youre serious. And he stops

• "Really?!" You nod your head, his eyes widen

• "Well i- um- we could- o-or maybe-" ♡


• Someone find the remote and unpause it, sohee's lagging again

• His heart is going BOOM BOOM and his hands are going SWEAT SWEAT and his face is going RED RED

• because what now???? You thought of him that way?????

• Gave up on finding words and his mouth is just dropped open

• Lets out a loud scream when you kiss his cheek, you letting out a laugh because he sounds like a girl ♡


• Gets so shy and quiet

• "D-dating?? Well i mean.." you think he doesnt like the question but he quickly disagrees

• "NO! i mean, no.. i kinda like the question. It makes you think, you know?"

• Praying to the gods above that you like him back, him quietly suggesting places or more like convincing you to go out with him

• "Why would we pretend, we could go out tomorrow. O-or i mean!!" It takes him a while to get his words out, and the sweet smile and head nod youre giving him is not helping ♡

A/n: another idea of mine, could have been written better

540 words

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