shotaro ³

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Thinking about..

• Annual bring your child to work day, the countless parents in your mothers job forcing their kids to come with them for the day, accompanied they didnt have any exams

• Although you weren't exactly thrilled, you tried to have a positive attitude, greeting each of your mothers co-workers with a smile although youve never seen them before

• Your mother makes you sit next to her near her desk, and you can feel your positivity shrink by the minute, sinking into your chair with your arms crossed, boredom invading your being

• She notices and decides to send you off with the other kids in a vacant meeting room, ushering to take your bags and meet some new, potential friends

• And your positivity comes back! Marching to the little meeting room on the other side of the elevator with such pride, stopping at the vending machine to get a little snack to share with your buddy

• You open the door, expecting a little huddle of teenagers when youre only met with one, sitting in the back corner with his chin prompted up by his hand

• He seemed bored before, but when the door opens his head slowly turns, his eyes widening and sparkling and a wide grin stretched onto his face

• Youre still standing in the doorway so you awkwardly step in the small room, closing the door timidly

• Although you felt like energy could burst through your heart, you felt nervous, giving the boy a small smile as he sends back his signature eye smile, inching towards your flushed figure to stick out his hand

• He introduces himself. His name was shotaro, hes pretty sure your parents know each other and might even be friends, and hes super excided to meet you.

• An unfamiliar feeling pings your heart as you find him enduring; the way he never breaks eye contact, the smile thats covering his face, one of his hands twiddling the bottom of his shirt while the other one rubs your soft skin. You wanted to put him in your pocket and run away

• After introducing yourself, you feel a faint mutter on how pretty you were, your ears stinging red as you try to bite back your smile

• After getting lost in each others eyes, he gives a shy smile, scratching the back of his neck before sitting you down at the meeting table, joking on how this was an interview for a new job, and you had to tell him 10 things about yourself

• Despite feeling a little childish, you love his sense of humor and how he thinks, talking about some of your interests, like dogs, for example

• He almosts falls back into his chair when he hears that, his mouth moving faster than his brain as he rambles about how much he loves dogs, joking on how he is one himself

• He jokes around some more, talking about how you've been accepted to the job, the only thing you need to do is give him your number and you'll be starting tomorrow

• Wait what?

• His eyes widen at what he just said, multiple apologizes leaving his mouth and how you didnt have to give it to him, but its too late, you already took your phone out of your back pocket. How could you turn down the cute boy?

• Now its his turn to be flushed, holding back his smile and suddenly getting quieter, just hoping you didnt hear his loud heartbeat, or didnt notice the blood rushing up to the tips of his ears and some painted his cheeks

• The door opens again revealing one of the workers, asking the two of you to set up the table so everyone can come to eat some pizza before continuing with their work

• And boy did shotaro take that seriously, shooing your hands away since the fork wasnt on the right side, or how the chair wasnt pushed in all the way

• But its all lighthearted, small 'yah's leaving his lips because you were messing up the plates on purpose

• He almost chases you with a plastic spoon

• After setting up the plates and joking on how this was a tea party, you sit back in your seats, learning more and more about yourselves as the tired employees make their way into the small room

• The pizzas here and you all make your plates, deciding to sit next to each other as you eat

• But as your eating, you could feel shotaros eyes on you, so you turn your head, shotaros quickly whipping to the other side of the room as he takes a bite out of his salad, his red ears giving him away

• And you feel your heart flutter, a shy giggle leaving your lips at how cute he was

• The rest of the meal finishes smoothly, tossing your plates in the trash while finishing your previous conversation, when your mother announces that youre leaving early

• You watch as shotaros smile drop, giving him a guilty glance as you drink the rest of your soda

• You can tell hes disappointed youre leaving, but tries to shake it off, opening his arms to welcome you in a hug goodbye

• Wait what?

• Before he can retreat, youre running to his figure, your arms around his neck and his circling your waist, rocking you back and forth as you stay in his warm embrace

• Your head lifts up from his chest only to be inches away from his face, his staggered breath fanning your lips as you stare for a while, lost in each others eyes again

• Your mother snaps you out of your trance, shotaro quickly letting go of you as he gives you a wave, his face redder than a tomato with a growing smile
• Your mother teases you on the way back home ♡

A/n: Based on a true story!! But erm.. i met a cute girl that was younger than me, no love interest involved irl haha

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