eunseok ²

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Listen to love war by yena


The calming sound of the rain pours down your window when you feel weight pushed onto you, a new warmth of the cold night as the figures arms wrap around your waist, a head resting in your neck.

He, your bestfriend, lets out a satisfied hum when you rub his head, his eyes only opening when you try to shift yourself up. "Where are you going?" His gentle voice sends shivers down your spine, your head turning to find his body prompted on his arm, his big eyes looking into yours.

"Water, eunseok." You say, not wanting to ruin this peaceful moment. Its only then do you notice how you havent moved at all, your eyes locked with the boy that seemed to be inching closer to your figure, his hand crawling up your waist and to your jaw.

You watch his eyes flutter, staring at you longingly like hes been wanting to do this forever, his gaze dropping to your parted lips. And without a second thought he leans in, his fingers rubbing your jaw while the other cups your cheek, pushing you back against your bed.

He doesnt think, just crawls on top of your body and hovers over you, coaxing a gasp from your lips when he finally captures them, claiming them his. His hand thats on your jaw moves up to cup your other cheek, your hand coming to grasp the hem of his shirt as you become intoxicated with his scent, his touch.

The way he sighs, the way he touches you, looks at you.. its all different. He finally achieved his dreams, he finally has you wrapped around his finger.

282 words

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