when youre wearing lipstick

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• "Hey love." He'd appear out of nowhere as youre doing your make up, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving your cheek a peck

• He be so interested with youre applying your lipstick, his eyes following your movements carefully

• "Aww i want some." He'd pout, so you'd put some on his lips

• And a kiss on the cheek if he starts whining

• He'd get so red when he sees your lipstick stain, but nevertheless is he proud to call you his ♡


• Just stares at you fondly

• "Pretty.." you'd hear him mutter under his breath, his big sparkly eyes boring into yours

• Brings you to his lap so he can kiss the lipstick off of you

• And he loves it when you whine that youre going to be late

• But now you gotta put more lipstick on because he ruined it </3 ♡


• Helps you put it on

• Tells you to pucker your lips while sending you silly faces, making you laugh

• Until he accidentally puts lipstick in your teeth

• Your smile immediately drops

• Lets just say that sungchan goes missing for a few days <3 ♡


• "Aww, you're getting all dolled up for me?"

• "Yeah, for my handsome boyfriend." Wonbins plans of teasing you is quickly reversed

• Scratches the back of his neck with a boyish grin because wow, you just called wonbin handsome

• "Flirt.." he'd bury his head into your neck

• "You started it." ♡


• His heart is fluttering at how pretty you look

• He usually feels very confident but now hes feeling shy, a lovesick grin on his face, his ears pink

• "Hey~" he'd sneak up behind you, his head resting on your shoulder as he giggles

• Almost goes crazy when you turn around to kiss him, his heart almost beating out of his chest

• Best believe hes thinking about this when hes sleeping and he defo kicks his feet and giggles like a school girl ♡


• "Oh sorry, did i disturb you?" Quickly turns around and closes your door as you run to him and drag him back to your room

• Sohee sits at the edge of your bed as he looks at you expectedly

• So you get an idea

• Prompting his face up, you start to put lipstick and fake eyelashes on him

• "I'd be such a good girlfriend." He says proudly, looking at the mirror ♡


• He gets so shy but he doesnt understand it, youre not even looking at him

• Oop now you are, looking through your mirror as he quickly looks down, his face red as he realizes he's staring

• And his heart is beating so fast when you inch beside him, grabbing his hand

• "Y-you look.. pret-pretty.." hes just so stutter-ie gosh

• Melts when you kiss his cheek ♡

A/n: request on tumblr

467 words

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