Christmas - anton

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You take in the yellowish hue of your living room, accompanied with some red and green lightings from your christmas fairy lights. You finally acknowledge the television murmuring in the background, a sitcom displayed on the big screen, yet it seemed like not a single pair of eyes gazed at the episode.

"How does this feel?" You hear a soft voice right behind your ear, a pleasant sigh leaving your lips when the figures hands circle your stomach. "Feels nice." You mumble, leaning your back against your boyfriends chest, anton.

Everything still felt so new as the time ticked three months since his sudden confession, his arms wrapped around your waist like a neatly wrapped bow on a christmas present as he looks at you fondly, daring himself to give you a little kiss on the cheek although he knew deep down he could never do it.

You had actually startled him, your first period of the relationship and anton didnt know how to make you feel better. He tried talking to you (didnt work), giving you a  head pat (still didnt work), until he opted on pulling you to a cuddle, his hand firm on your tummy, sending so much warmth it made your eyes flutter close.

You felt a bit bad for your behavior even though you couldnt exactly control, so you got an idea, resting your hand on his to get his attention. "Hm?" He looks down at you, a hum leaving his lips in acknowledgement as he brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "'Ton, its Christmas!!"

"So?" He asked confusedly, a light chuckle leaving his lips. It was late at night, the was snow falling in peace, presents and homemade cookies were already given out. What more did you want to do?

"So," you respond, sticking out your head to make your answer seem obvious. "How about we watch a movie!" You watch as antons lips riize into a smile, finding your idea a particularly good one as he reaches over for the remote, turning off whatever the television was blabbering about and switching to the large array of Christmas movies. "What do you wanna watch?" You were a little unsure as to why he was still whispering, giving a little giggle in response.

"Doesnt matter to me."

"How about.." he pauses, his eyes scanning the different thumbnails the channel had to offer. "Home alone?" He askes, looking at you with a little shrug.

"Sure." You smile, resting your back against his chest and leaning your head. He chuckles at your cuteness, turning the movie on before encircling his arms around your waist again, holding you even tighter.

Anton catches a glimpse of your laugh and he decides that he cant take it anymore, his heart swelling up with so much joy as his minds trails back to the little dare he gave himself moments ago. And instead of cowering from the thought, he decides to give it a chance, wanting it to be known how much he loves and adores you.

So when least expected it – your eyes only on the rectangular screen – he plants a quick kiss on your forehead, watching as your head whips over to his, your cheeks on fire from antons sudden touch. He feels more proud then he does shy (although there was a lot) as he places his gaze to the movie, a smile creeping up to his lips and a quiet giggle follows, his cheeks a little pink himself. ♡

A/n: Merry Christmas !!

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