shotaro ²

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No thoughts, just imagining having a date night with shotaro and he brings you out to a hill to watch the stars together. You suggest to sit outside but shotaro declines, saying how warm it was inside his car.

So you sit in silence, hand in hand, watching the stars twinkle from the hood of his car. After a while shotaro starts conversation, saying how much he really enjoyed the night and how much he liked you, a giggle leaving his lips as he squeezes your intertwined hands.

You admit that you had an amazing time too, quickly taking notice on how shotaro was staring at you, and your lips. So you slowly lean in, closing the distance as you kiss. It wasnt exactly your very first kiss together, but it still ran shivers down your spine as he cups your cheek to deepen the kiss.

Time goes on and youre still massaging each other via lips, the car starting to feel a little hot at how heated things were going. You let out a small whine and shotaro lays his arm down to hold himself up better, but accidentally elbows the horn.

A yelp at the sudden noise you break the kiss to see each others red faces, along with shotaro sending you a sheepish smile, his forehead pressing against yours.

"Why dont we go.. to the back seat?" He suggests, his voice low as he nods at the seats behind him. And you go, continuing where you left off, and maybe even shotaro helping you drive a little... something else 🤭

263 words

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