# blue shoes - sungchan

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Thinking about..

• Being a sm trainee, popular around the group of aspiring idols for your ability to joke around, making people laugh during very stressful times

• In addition to being popular, you also knew most of everyone. You didnt have to be friends in any case, but you were able to hold friendly conversation with whoever you pleased

• All but jung sungchan

• Its not like you had something against him, you just felt a little flustered under his presence. The way he looks down at you with a small smile, ready to engage with any of your shenanigans

• Many adored your height difference, calling the two of you cute but you always brushed it off, a little too harshly that it made sungchan frown

• Did you not like him? Were you very uncomfortable or something? And the way you kinda avoided him, your sentences cut short while looking anywhere else but him. He took the hint, silently leaving you to talk to your friends

• You were so busy trying to keep your heart steady that you didnt notice your actions, everyone but you in the room able to cut the tension with a knife

• And when you learnt how he felt from your friends you felt awful, trying to find ways to revive the friendship, but feeling as though it was too late

• The next dance practice day you find sungchan laughing with his friends, flexing his new blue shoes to anyone who passed by. Along with his shiny blue necklace.. and bracelet.. the boy sure loved the color blue. You did too, how funny

• Months later and your group has debuted! The members come to cheer you on as you landed a spot to become a mc for one of the little shows

• Sungchan was one too, and the members knew about your little crush on him, so they had to tease accompany you

• You saw a relived smile on sungchans face when the staff announced the theme would be 'blue summer'. Since you and sungchan would be the young mcs, they wanted to spread some youth, making sure you were comfortable on the big screen

• You hear sungchan mutter to himself that he loved the color blue, taking out his favorite blue shoes from his bag

• And looking down, you notice you had the exact same pair on, one of your members giving you a cheeky smile

• "Oh my god.. are you two.. matching??" She exaggerates, taking long dramatic pauses because of her gasps

• Sungchan eyes widen, this was probably the first time he noticed you here on the set, glancing at your shoes before taking in your shy wave

• "Oh.. hey!" He smiles and it feels like your heart is about to beat out your chest, your make up doing an awful job at concealing your blush. A boyish smile on his face tells you that he wasnt mad at you in any way. He did kinda like you after all

• Before sungchan could get another word you, your called to the stage, sending a little nod at him since you were slightly nervous, but very excited. 

• After greeting your guests and learning that the group you were interviewing was NCT dream, recording go on smoothly. There were times where sungchan would add some jokes to lighten the mood, his smile shining bright as you felt your lips curve up too. He was contagious, yet you never wanted to leave

• Sungchan makes another joke and you share a laugh, your eyes lingering onto each other for a little too long when one of the members notice, a small smirk on their faces. "You know, youre very cute together." The member, haechan begins. "And wearing matching shoes too? This much be on purpose."

• A slap lands on his chest from mark as he quietly laughs, watching the two of you blank out, your cheeks red with slightly widen eyes. "Oh well-" "uhm.."

• "Oh my god, you're so cute!!" He laughs again, earning another smack on his chest. "Next question!" Renjun says, taking your attention away from your beating hearts

• You weren't dating sungchan, but you wouldnt mind it. Late night drives with him, his arm around your shoulder as he gives you a kiss on the cheek. Stop thinking like that, you needed to focus. As you read another line, you notice sungchan steal a small glance at you, his head dropping as he tries to hide his growing smile

• "Pretty." You hear him mutter, a stutter in your line in response. He didnt call you pretty, youre just being delusional. Focus!!

• But little did you know, he did mutter the word pretty, his heart thumping as he steals another glance at you. You were just so effortlessly beautiful, with or without make up. How??

• The rest of the recordings happen in a flash, waving at the group of 7 goodbye before leaving the set to collect your things. "Good job out there." Sungchan says, a sideways grin on his face as he tosses his bag over his shoulder

• "Yeah, you too." You smile back, letting your hair out of a ponytail

• "Nice shoes." He adds, a little smirk on his face before it turns into a laugh when you roll your eyes. "Yeah, i like your shoes too." You share a laugh

• "Hey i um.. i know a place where more shoes like these are made." He says, pointing at your shoe then looking up at you. "If.. you'd like to come with me." He shyly suggests

• "Like a date?" You watch as sungchans eyes widen, a bashful smile on his face as he shrugs. "If you want to.."

• "I'd love too." You state with a smile, sungchan returning it. "5 pm, tomorrow?" He askes.

• "Perfect!"

• And the next day you find a pair of shoes that was pepsi themed, and other cola themed. He still called you his pepsi to my cola to this day ♡

A/n: request on tumblr

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