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"The more you stare, the more obvious it is." Seunghan informs the older boy, patting his shoulder when some of the SM workers were calling him to get his makeup done. Wonbin nods his head, acknowledging the statement while trying to calm his racing heart. This was going to be for a while.

Maybe, just maybe wonbin liked you. Wait, no he didnt. You were his makeup artist, his co-worker in a sense. He was an idol, with girls gawking at him every hour of the day. He shouldnt fall for someone thats just patting his face. Not when that person is inches away from his lips, their breath fanning wonbins face, making him want to melt on the spot. Fuck, that doesnt help him out.

He awkwardly sits in his seat, spinning around his chair as he waits for your presence. Where were you? You needed to be the one who does his makeup, he looks so much prettier. "Incoming!!" He hears your voice, batting his head to your direction as you struggle to carry your products.

He bolts over in a flash, which surprises you, since he was mostly quiet, frozen like a rock. "Thank you, and sorry." You couldnt help but laugh, wiping some sweat from your brow as wonbin carefully puts the products on the small table in front of him, before sitting back in his seat.

"How are you?" You try to make conversation but deep down you knew it was pointless. Wonbin was always so alive around the members, but whenever hes with you hes cold, quiet. You wanted to break that barrier, make a new friend.. but he wasnt helping.

"Okay," he hums, you nod your head, opening one of the containers and grabbing a brush. "H-how are you?" He replies, a light stutter. You eyes widen, "oh im great!! Was almost late so maybe thats why theres so much adrenaline in me today!" A small smile appears on wonbins face, he liked hearing you talk.


"Close your eyes for me," you lightly smile. "Oh, continue with what you're saying." You brush lightly on his closed eye. "I uh.. like your outfit today."

"Oh, thank you!" You respond, although you were confused on the amount of compliments he was giving you. "Open." You instruct. "Im just going to put some light make up on you, then you'll be ready in a flash."

Wonbin nods, feeling a little sad that he couldnt spend a lot of time with you. "So uh.."

"Yeah..?" You giggle, dropping down to apply some lip gloss on the boy. His breath lightly hitches, "i was wondering if.. you had any plans for dinner..?" His eyes brows raise, looking at you expectantly.

"S-since its super late and-"

"I'd like that." You smile with a nod, wonbins eyes widening. "Oh.. oh. C-cool." He give you a shy smile, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah.. andd we are all done." You clap your hands, passing him a mirror. "Do you like it?"

He looks at his reflection, a sly smile on his lips. "It's pretty.. like you."


"Andd i think im going to take wonbin now," seunghan spawns out of nowhere, taking the boys arm and dragging him out of his chair, sending you a sideways smile.

"7:00!! After shootings!!" Wonbin yells, waving at your figure.

A/n: thank you bluepsprings for requesting! And please request via dms / conversations next time. Nothing through comments!! I also know nothing about make up so sorry if its kinda weird

595 words

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