anton ³

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"Hey!" You hear a shout as you open the door, the smell of sweat and warmth welcoming your body as you walk inside the practice room. The small group of boys turn their heads at the sound of your footsteps, small smiles on their faces as they greet you, watching their maknae run to you excitedly.

"Hey!" You yell back, letting out a laugh as the boy crashes into you, pushing you against the practice room wall as he rests his head on your shoulder, embracing you in a hug. He looks up at you with a pleased smile as you rub his hair, eunseok clearing his throat.

"Someone.." he emphasizes, shooting the boy, anton, whos wrapped around your figure, a glare. "..missed you."

"Y-yahh!! No i didnt." He says back in defense, unattaching himself from you to reveal his red face. The sweaty room breaks into sounds of cooing, the latter covering his face and leaning it back against your shoulder. You laugh, running your fingers back through his hair.

"We gotta finish practicing! And then you can talk to your girlfriend~" shotaro teases the boy, laughing when he goes to hit him.

"We arent dating!!"


Sitting in the back corner, you send anton a smile of encouragement which he happily returns, his ears red as he turns back around. "You know.." wonbin comes to sit beside you for a brief moment, chugging some of his water. "..he likes you a lot, right?"

You nod in acknowledgment, your mind traveling back to the night before; how anton walked you home after your little date, craning his neck to give you a peck on the cheek, before running away with little giggles. Maybe next time you'll let him kiss you.

"And you like him too.." wonbin continues, "why not just make it official?"

"I dunno.. waiting for the right moment, i guess."

"The right-" wonbin shakes his head, looking over to find you staring at anton, watching his every move with a small smile on your face. He shakes his head again, letting out a chuckle before giving your head a pat, walking away to mutter the words "lovers."

The practice ends a few minutes later, stretching your back as you watch anton make a hurried bee line to your figure. "Hii!" You wave your hand, a giggle leaving your lips as you watch anton give you a big smile, warming up your heart like its being kissed by the sun.

His comfy, gray attire loose on his body as he scoots beside you, his hat long gone, somewhere on the floor. "Hey." The smile was still on his face, stretched even wider as he pulls you closer to him.

"I was wondering.." he trails off, his hand fiddling with the ends of your shirt as he pushes your head to his chest. "If you, maybe, wanna go have dinner with me?" You lift your head, anton flashing you another smile while cradling your face. "What do you say?" He whispers, his face closer to yours as his doe eyes bore into you.

You give a nod, a giggle leaving his mouth before his eyes flicker to yours then your lips. Leaning in, he gives a quick peck, hurriedly getting up and running away as you chase him around the room, your face red as you use a hand to cover your lips.

A/n: inspired by one of my friends dreams!!

573 words

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