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A few breathless whispers and you're pushed against the counter, a gasp leaving your lips as seunghans hands move up and down your waist, his face inches from yours.

"Tell me when to stop." Was the only thing he mutters before smashing his lips against yours, coaxing another gasp from you as your hands run up to his hair.

Seunghan was pretty sure this was breaking every rule in the bestfriends book, but he didnt care, his eyes laced with want and need from his bestfriend, that looked a little too pretty, knew him a little too well, and made him go a little crazy.

And suddenly you're in his room, your back laying against his bed as he hovers over your body with caution, trying not to put extra weight on you but also trying not to break the kiss. His lips move repeatedly against yours, his tongue parting your lips before finally slipping into your mouth, your hands rubbing at his back, your perfume sending him into a daze.

You almost jump when you hear a loud ping coming from seunghans phone, breaking the heated moment as he quickly turns it off, sending you a sheepish smile. "Sorry.." he rubs the back of his neck, getting off your body to touch his lips in secret, but you were watching him the entire time.

"Yeah.." you let out a shy chuckle, looking over to find the boy looking at you, before inching closer, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I think its obvious how much i like you.. and im pretty sure you like me too." His voice is deep and cool, equipped with small smirk, making you shake your head with a blush.

"Maybe i do?" You shrug, seunghan lifting up your head to place a chaste kiss on your lips, joy taking over him. "Good." He smiles, finally able to cross the bestfriend line, moving to lovers.


"You know, i kinda knew you liked me." You say after a dozen kisses later, sitting on seunghans lap with his arms around you, pulling you into a cuddle. "Oh?" He answers. "When?"

"That night when you called me pretty.. there was this smile on your face when you said it that made me thing."

"Well, i wasnt lying." He looks down at you fondly, playing with your hair before letting out a whisper. "My pretty girl.."

A/n: poll on tumblr

404 words

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