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Thinking about classmate!eunseok, who you aren't necessarily friends with, but was someone that was always friendly. You decided to sit next to each other in your college course, agreeing to help the other out.

But recently eunseoks been really tired, stay up late since a new game just dropped last week, and hes been at it with seunghan ever since. The professor's droning voice along with the slightly chilly room sends him in a daze, his eyes getting heavier and heavier until they finally shut, his head leaning until they hit your shoulder.

You were a little shocked at first, having to erase your now messed up letters as you look over at him with a chuckle. Struggling to get your jacket, you place it over his sleeping figure, then continue taking notes.

You didnt mind the first time, or the second time, or the third time.. until it became a habit. Eunseok would come to class saying how he wasnt going to fall asleep but 10 minutes in and hes tapped out, his chair closer to yours so he can rest comfortably against you, his soft hair rubbing against your neck and his pink lips parted that it sends a ping to your heart. But you look away; you didnt want to invade his privacy (even if he was laying on you) and you had to take notes for you to study, and so you could teach eunseok.

It happens so much to the point that random students approach your small corner by the window daily, asking you and a sleeping eunseok if you were together, but you always shook your head no with a laugh.

Maybe this was something reserved for boyfriends and girlfriends? You hadnt put much thought into it, just thinking of doing a favor for a friend.

There's was one day when eunseok was half asleep, his eyes closed and snoring, when another student pops up to ask the same question. He couldnt pick up everything, but he could faintly hear the 'youre so cute together!! Are you dating??' and it wakes him up faster than his alarm. His eyes doesnt shoot open though, and he doesnt sit up as he was too comfortable, so he gets a bold idea.

His crossed arms begin to unravel and wrap around your waist, now side hugging you as it gets your attention quickly, causing your sentence of telling the girls no to halt, your head snapping at his direction.

Youre not too sure what came over yourself as your hand comes up to lightly ruffle his fluffy hair, tucking some of it behind his ear. The girls coo before realiizing their interrupting something, running back to their seats to watch the drama unfold. Eunseoks eyes finally open at your touch, realiizing how close you were, your breath lightly fanning his face. The familiar ping in your heart comes back at the sight of his big boba eyes boring into yours, his lips still parted and looking so kissable, but you shake that thought off and send him your usual smile.

As well as your usual question, "how was your sleep?" You notice how quickly eunseok sits up, his warmth leaving you as he clears his throat, running his hand through his messy hair and avoiding your gaze. "G-good?" The was the first time you ever heard him stutter, along with finding the tip of his ears red.

"Oh." Was all you could say before the bell rings, signaling the long and hard day was over, gathering up your stuff and throwing your bag over your shoulder. "Lemme help you.." you hear him mutter as he puts some of your notebooks in your bag and zipping it up, patting it to show hes done.

"Such a gentlemen." You joke, a low chuckle leaving his lips as you finally stand up from your chair, stretching your legs with a sigh.

Its been an unspoken rule that eunseok walks you home ever since hes been sleeping on you, leading you out of the university and to the grass sidewalk. "Hey.. can we talk..?" His hands were stuffed into his pockets as he stops walking, his big boba eyes looking up at you again as your heart begins to race. For two reasons actually, cute!! and oh no, whats wrong?

"What's up?" You try to hide your nervousness as you watch eunseok take a step closer to you, his shyness making the air a little heavy. "Thank you." He says breathlessly, a smile forming as your eye brows raise.

"For?" You gesture him to continue.

"For.. everything, really. For letting me sleep on you, for taking notes for me.. and teaching me. You teach way better than the professor by the way."

You share a chuckle, before eunseok looks at you seriously again.

"I feel like ive been taking advantage of you, so whenever you're feeling tired, you can lay on me. O-or if you need anyone to talk to..!! Im right here!" He finishes the last part shyly, his hand coming up to rub his nape.

"Eunseok.." was all you could mutter as you acknowledge his kindness. He looks up with a little grin before his eyes widen as you hug him, his strong arms coming to wrap around your waist, holding you tightly.

The next day, eunseok decides to go to bed a bit early, coming into the university with more energy than hes ever had. Sitting down next to you and jotting down notes, his doesnt fail to notice how you've been yawning ever since the professor came into the class.

"What, no, eunse-"

"Nope." He chuckles, softly pushing your head to his shoulder so you can rest comfortably, his arm coming to encirle your waist while the other is busy writing. "You rest, I'll take notes for the both of us." ♡

977 words

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