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Thinking about bestfriend!wonbin whos laid himself on your bed waiting for your return, so he turns to his phone to distract himself. The door softly creaks but hes too interested in the tiktok his watching, so you come beside the bedside and lightly ruffle his hair.

That gets his full attention, quickly locking his phone and throwing it somewhere as his big boba eyes lock with yours. He scoots over on the bed so you can slide in, his mind going back to how good he felt with your hands in his hair.

Seeming to notice, you try to snap him out of his thoughts before you hear a mumbled "fuck it." wonbin opening your legs and resting his head on your thighs. Youre taken aback and wonbins embarrassed, but theres no going back now! He leads your hands back to his hair so you can play with it, rub it, braid it, hes fine with anything.

And although hes trying to hold back his smile, it stretches itself across his face, his eyes closed and soon hes fallen asleep.

The next day, wonbins been trying to find more excuses for you to touch his hair, as he was too embarrassed to ask for headrubs. So he gets an idea, ripping up a tiny piece of paper, he sticks it in his hair for you to find, walking and talking to you as if he didnt know it was there.

And it quickly catches your attention. So you gesture him to lean his head down as hes speaking, his eyes admiring your concentrated expression as his hands hold both of your sides, pulling you closer.

You didnt seem to notice the lack of distance between you two, your hands entangled in his hair and a pleased look on his face, before he takes one of his hands away from your side and strokes your cheek, making you lose focus in his hair and back at him, where hes giving you the most gentle smile. And then you notice how close you are, and how hes leaning in. ♡

348 words

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