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His steady eyes pace around the room, a hand scratching the back of his nape and the other twiddling with his pencil, playing it off like he wasnt just staring at you. His eyes glance back to yours, finding that you were still looking at him, so he awkwardly ducks his head, faking laughing with his set of friends beside him.

'Go along with it' his eyes seemed to convey, the boys look at themselves, him, then at you. Sohee watches as their mouths turn into small 'o's, before faking a loud laugh, one slapping his knee while the other points.

"You should just talk to her," sungchan whispers into the annoyed males ears. "You've been staring at her for weeks." He exaggerates, his eyes widening as he looks at the boy. But no matter how many times sohee had to explain, no one would ever listen.

You see, yes its known that sohee has been googly eyes over you for weeks, (hes pretty sure you know by now since hes so obvious) but he cant just walk up to you and start a conversation. What if he trips? What if he stutters? What if you dont like him? What if he makes you uncomfortable? That was his biggest fear.

Especially since you were so pretty and a tad reserved unlike his friends, he didnt know how to approach you; It made his heart jump.

He still remembers the first day hes laid eyes on you, his breath instantly taken away. Anton had invited you to sit at his table since you were working together for a project, and you needed to discuss who would do what.

The light shined on your face perfectly, complimenting your hair length as you seat on the small bench, a small smile on your face as you conversed with anton. Anton stopped talking to take a bite of his food, giving you the opportunity to look around the wide table; wonbin and shotaro laughing at a video, eunseoks head resting on sungchans shoulder, and seunghan annoying anton while he eats.

You look forward to find sohee staring at you, his jaw dropped open and small, quick blinks leaving his eyes. Who was he staring at? You think to yourself, turning to look behind you to only find your shadow, facing forward to see that he was still looking at you.

So you wave. Why not be friendly, you know? You watch as the boys face slowly turns red, frozen like a stone until he realizes you waved at him. It finally dawns on him, you just waved at him. Quicker than flash he snaps his head to his plate, taking a bite full of the cafeteria food, refusing to look in your direction.

A bit confused, you brush it off, welcoming anton back to your paused conversation as he was done eating, your forearms resting on the table as you get back to planning.

You had no idea how fast sohees heart was beating.

One look at you, one sound of your laugh, one accidental touch; he knew he had fallen deep this time, his face burning red at any simple interaction, if you were in the same room as him. He hated it. It was so embarrassing how flustered he got, only able to look at you when you turn your head, getting to know you more through anton. He still had to thank him.

"Shoot." Sohee mumbles under his breath, looking down to see that his phone was about to die. "Eunseok hyung!" He calls for the older, swinging back on his chair to see him better. "Let's switch spots, so i can charge my phone."

"Hmm..." eunseok thinks to himself, a finger tapping his chin. "Nope." He finally says with a smile.

"What?! But theres a plug right beside you."

"No there isnt." A voice calls, seunghans, as he plugs his charger in. "But i know where another one is.." he says in a flirty tone, wiggling his eyebrows with a little giggle at the end.

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