hold me, never let go

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The laughter slowly fades when anton looks at you with those eyes again, his gaze focused on the way your hair flows in the light wind, your grip tight on the metal chains of the childhood swings you always swung on when you were younger, doing it again to revisit some fond memories after a long day at work. He turns his body so he could see you well, his neck tired of being craned to the side as you rest yours on the metal chains with a fond smile when you catch his eyes, your hand letting go of the chain to rest on top of his. He returns the smile, placing his other hand on yours to squeeze, the laughter coming back when you do the same thing in return. "You know," you begin, that pretty smile of yours painted on your face, refusing to leave its place, "I love you too."

Anton was a bit shocked to hear that statement fall from your lips, his eyes widening and the tips of his ears red in response. "I love you too, you know that already." The head shake that comes from you suggests that you mean something else, something more, and that makes his heart skip a beat. "No. Love you.. Shotaro told me you love me too. Or, love." you mumble the second part with a bashful look on your face, your eyes focusing on your stack of hands that were neatly sat on your lap as you try to shy away the feeling of your heart beating faster as you wait for his reply.

"Oh." was the only thing he could say, a little flabbergasted but still returning the smile when you share a look, the small chuckles that fall from your lips helping ease the tension in the air. "I love you too.. More than a friend." your eyes never leave the boy when he finishes his confession, your smiles getting bigger as you mentally thank shotaro for helping out your romantic life. With a jump up from the swing, you land on the ground, stamping a quick kiss on antons cheek before running away from the blushing boy. "Catch me if you can!" 

A/n: inspired by rocco's song, hold me, never let go

378 words

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