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Feeling a poke on your shoulder, you look over to find a boy nervously looking down. "Yes..?" You wrap your headphones around your neck, looking at the boy expectly. "I was uh.. wonder if this seat was taken." He nods to the chair in front of you, your head shaking no.


"Do you remember what the professor said about that writing?" You ask the boy, anton, as he looks up from his laptop. "No.. i just know the author is six feet under." He replies, a laughing leaving your lips.

"You weren't paying attention were you?" You ask with a big grin. "No." He shakes his head, "i was too busy staring at you." He mutters to himself. "What did you say?" You turn your music down, the boy shaking his head frantically. "N-nothing! Haha!!"


After a few minutes you find the same article the teacher was yapping about, kicking antons foot under the table to get his attention. "Its about.." you scroll, taking a glimpse at the writing. "Bats." You deadpan, anton letting out a chuckle. "Makes sense."

After reading a little, you give anton a summary, stopping to jot something down or rereading a sentence you found difficult. "This dude really spent his whole life on bats didnt he-" your eyes widen when anton leans over the table to smash his lips onto yours, quickly pulling away with a red face.

"I-im so sorry!! I dont know what came over me. I should have asked o-or-" you give another kick on the table, a smile threatening to fall. "I like you too.." you shyly admit.

"Oh.." he looks down, a long moment of silence as he realizes the news.

"Can i kiss you again?"

A/n: honestly shit and forgot to post 😭

298 words

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