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• If shotaro wasnt smiley then, he sure is now

• Love at first sight, his heart beating a million beats per hour, this stupid grin on his face

• And since hes extroverted, his is sure to let you know that hes here, wanting to gain your attention

• Secretly loves it when someone mistakes you two as a couple because how flirty and touchy he is, but denies it in case it makes you uncomfortable

• Hes just so smiley and giggly at whatever you say or do, he tried to hide it at first but theres really no use; hes sure that his like for you is obvious ♡


• Hes so gentlemen

• Opening doors for you, giving you a new pen when you run out of ink, helping you with your homework

• And has this cheeky smile whenever you thank or compliment him

• Would shoo away the members when hes around you, because he knows they will start teasing him

• Tucks some hair behind your ear subconsciously, his breath hitching when he realizes how close you are to him, his eyes going down to your lips ♡


• Honestly think hes into the quiet type. Reserved and out of the way, he would find it so intriguing and cute

• Wants to get your attention so back, literally changing himself so he could match your interest

• And just feels so insecure because what if you think hes doing too much? What if hes too loud?

• But all of his thoughts were shut down when he catches you stare at him

• "Meet me at the rooftop." You would place the note on his desk as you walk by, your ears red ♡


• Despite his cool and handsome persona, he is such a scaredy cat

• Has the hugest crush on you but hes too scared to say anything so his members had to push him to you

• "G-go get icecream with m-me?" "GREAT, BYE!!" he didnt even give you the chance to speak as he runs away, his members having to fill in for him. Giving you the time, place.. etc.

• Arrives 30 minutes early because hes so nervous and fidgety so he tries to calm himself down and practices what he would say to you

• But the preparation were pointless when you walk in the little shop, his face getting so red as he thinks you look so pretty. Even if what you're wearing isnt much ♡


• Feel like hes not one to hide his feelings

• Just "oh, shes pretty cute. I'll ask her on a date."

• And he does that with so much confidence, not an ounce of fear in any of his words

• And everything was going to according to plan, he'd arrive a few minutes early to make sure everythings okay

• But as soon as you sit down, hes a blushing, stuttering mess. His face completely red as he avoids your eye contact. Damn it. - seunghan ♡


• The type to daydream about your future together with this goofy smile on his face

• Purposely sitting a seat or two behind you, just so he could stare at you

• But quickly bats an eye when you make eye contact with him, as hes suddenly invested in his work (he hasnt even written his name yet)

• Always holds his breath whenever your near, his palm sweaty

• And stutters like crazy when your assigned to work on a project together ♡


• Shy, shy, shy, shy, shy

• Barely says a word whenever your near, also the type to stare at you during class and daydream about each others future

• You were a friend of one of his friends, so he was kinda forced to talk to you

• And cringes at himself when he says something stupid, but you always find it so cute

• Randomly blurts out how pretty you are ♡

A/n: request on tumblr

641 words

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