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A little thought i had no intention writing. Enjoy the bullet points!!

• It all started when you were first introduced to the friend group, catching sungchans attention immediately at you shy but reserved aura

• But all that shyness flutters away when sungchan musters up the courage to talk to you, quickly learning that you two have similar interests, along with living near each other

• And so a friendship blooms. You and sungchan get closer while your new (his) friends tease the couple, saying how obvious you liked each other, yet you always shooed the idea off

• Its a few months later when sungchan suggests that you go to a party with him. Sungchan loved meeting new people and acting 'crazy', and plus, youre always stuck in your room. "you gotta get out more," he'd bump your shoulder as you walked to class

• And you're almost sure that you'll tell sungchan no, until he sends you a big pair of puppy eyes, bring his hands together with a pout.. he was almost on his knees. You hate him for it, showing up at the blasting house after school hours

• "You came!!" He would gasp as he opens the door, clapping his hands proudly as he leads you inside

• But despite sungchans warm welcome, you found yourself uncomfortable about the amount of people, leaving the house to get some quiet air

• And although you tell him to stay inside, enjoy the party, hes right behind you, refusing to leave your side

• You open up to him, saying the reason why you were so quiet, the reason why you hated being around people was because of your past school. You were constantly ignored no matter how many times you tried to make friends, so over time you shut down, finding comfort with being by yourself

• Sungchans a very clear extrovert, so when you say that you didnt have any friends, his heart immediately breaks. He starts apologizing even though he didnt do anything at all, feeling so bad about your misfortune that he swears that he'd be with you no matter what

• Hes also confused onto why you were so okay about it. The only that felt your lips was a sad chuckle, he would have been crying in your shoes. So he stops walking, being out his arms. "Need a hug?" You almost run into his arms, tucking your head into his chest as he rubs your back, still saying how sorry hes feeling

• And after that day, sungchan was your best friend. Someone you could talk to no matter the mood. Someone you cherished ♡


• Now, sungchans friends are really sure that you at least like each other, even in the slightest

• But you're both persistent. Sungchan didn't want to be wrong and you didnt want to assume anything, as you both really enjoyed each others company, and was not about to risk it for some stupid feelings

• But the boys are sick and tired of your endless pinning, pulling sungchan aside when youre in the bathroom and telling him how much sungchan is in love with you

• And after the several points they made, suddenly everything clicks. The amount of time and effort sungchan put into your relationship, the boys were finally making sense

• And since hes aware of his feelings, hes a little shy, avoiding your eyes so he doesnt stare at you lovingly and embarrass himself. When youre not looking he'd finally turn to your direction, a smile on his face as he watches your side profile glow

• Sungchan starts to get some desires. It isnt creepy or sexual in any way; he just wants to cuddle you and hug you and squish your cheeks. But most importantly he wants to kiss you. So bad. Like soo bad

• Sungchan randomly calls you to walk around the park that was nearby your houses, worry taking over you as he normally calls ahead of time

• He starts complaining about how he feels sick. But not sick sick, love sick. He's found this girl that hes head over heals for, someone he wanted to spend his life with, someone that was you. But you didnt know he was talking about you, your heart going into void as he continues to rant about the nameless girl

• Before he can reveal the identity, hes called home, giving you a quick hug because you made him feel better

• But he made you feel bad

• You spend the night and early morning crying your eyes out. You wanted to push away your broken heart, just be happy for the boy but you just cant. You felt broken

• Sungchan comes to school happier than usual, ready to see your pretty face that was.. frowning..?? And avoiding him.. did he do something wrong?

• Its only when hes talking to wonbin that he realizes hes the source to your problem, sending you a quick text to meet him at the park, same time

• He continues to talk about his nameless crush, watching you hold back your tears as he just couldnt take it anymore

• "Whats wrong?" He whispers, pulling you close as he begins to wipe your tears away. He gets a little angry when you keep refusing to talk to him, telling him repeatedly that everythings alright when youre face is close to a rivers

• So he apologizes, which makes you feel confused, as he smashes his lips onto yours

• "You.. you're the girl I've been talking about." He lightly strokes your cheek, his eyes watering at thought of making you cry over him. "I should have told you sooner.. im so sorry for making you wait." He'd pull you into a hug, his voice cracking. He really feels so bad

• After telling him plenty of times that its alright, that he didnt do this intentionally, you suggest that he comes over for dinner, so you can talk (kiss) about this more

• It all started when hes interacting and laughing with your parents and siblings, feeling so connected and happy that you felt your heart warm of joy, knowing that hes the one. And with his very obvious glances, you can confirm that he feels the same ♡

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