wonbin ²

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"I know, I know." The voice tries to reassure you, the door creaking shut as it tries to engulf you in a hug. "I dont wanna hear it." You mumble, stepping back from the body as your arms were crossed, your foot tapping on the floor impatiently.


"The foods cold." You interrupt, before breaking into fits of laughter, unable to keel your facade before finally hugging the boy. He sighs, "i thought you were mad." His arms wrap around your waist tightly, his head resting against yours. "I am, but i understand." You look up at your boyfriend as your head was buried in his chest.

"I'm so sorry im late, baby." Wonbin cups your cheeks, leaning closer to give you a sweet kiss. "Mm!!" You giggle, your hands wrapping around his waist as he breaks the kiss for his overjoyed smile. "Ya!" You yelp as he begins tickling your sides, walking past your shaking body and towards the small kitchen in your apartment.

Although he was smiling, you could see how tired he was, the exhaustion washing over his face, heavy eye bags. "Come shower with me!" You yell, wonbin shouting a quick "okay!" as he pulls something out of the fridge.

Opening the bathroom door, you sit two matching pajamas on the counter, before turning on the water faucet. "Hey silly." The door opens again after a few minutes, wonbin coming to sit you down on the toilet to kiss you. "How was your day?" Your arms wrap around his neck as he looks at you closely. "Mm.. it was something." He mutters before leaning closer to lay another kiss on your lips, but your finger come to hover his mouth.

He gives a pout as you jump up and strip yourself of your clothes, hopping into the hot shower as you pop your head through the curtain. "You coming?" You grin, an amused smile on wonbins face.

Damping your head and grabbing your shampoo, you feel wonbins arms wrap around your bare waist, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder. "I got it." He whispers in your ear, taking the shampoo from your hand with one, and scratching your hair with the other one.

You raise your eyebrow at his action, him only biting his lip teasingly in return as he turns you around, your hands coming to rest on his chest. "Aren't you sleepy?" You question as wonbin opens the bottle, spreading the watery ingredients on his hand before lavishing it on your hair.

"I wanna take care of you." He mutters, the water droplets taking over his voice. You chuckle at his kindness, before snatching the bottle out of his hands. "I got it." You say, watching wonbins smile grow wider as he hugs your wet body. "Don't smile at me like that." You jokingly push his shoulder, wonbins body shaking from his laughter.

"Mhm." A small smirk is on his face as he inches toward you, his hands placed on either side of your waist to push his head down, his lips finding yours again. "You're going to get shampoo in your eyes." You mutter, to busy focusing on his hair to notice the way the boy was looking at you.

"Oh?" His voice quiet as you massage his head. He sighs, "your hands feel perfect in my hair." You finally look up to find the males eyes closed, a growing smile on his face as his eyes flicker open, looking at you fondly. You reach up to peck his cheek, his giggles getting louder as you turn around, his chin back on your shoulder.

"Ready to rinse?" You question, wonbin quietly nodding as you guide the water to his hair. He hums of delight, a hand finding yours to intertwine. "Just like that.." he mumbles. You finally turn off the water and grab a towel for the both of you, having a bit of trouble getting out of the tub as wonbins attached to your body.

"Dont move.." he sleepily mutters, his resting against yours as his eyes begin to close. "Hey, hey.. lets get you dressed first." You pat his head, sitting him down on the edge of the tub.

His big boba eyes follow your every move, a thankful smile on his face as he begins to admire you. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." He randomly says, a smile forming on your lips as you boop his nose, more giggles coming from wonbins lips.

You finally put wonbins clothes on before changing to yours, grabbing your intertwined hands and dragging him to your bedroom. "I love you." He yawns, placing small kisses on your neck. You hum in acknowledgment, sitting yourself on your bed and opening your arms.

"I love you too." You whisper as wonbin climbs on your body, his head resting on your chest and his arms wrapping around your waist. Turning off the light, you place a blanket over your bodies, your hand coming up to ruffle his fluff hair.

"Good nigh-"

"I didnt get my goodnight kissie," he whispers like a sleepy baby, his big boba eyes staring back into yours with his lips puckered. Trying not to melt, you give him a big kiss, wonbin smiling happily before resting his head back on your chest.

"Good night~"

886 words

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