Kairi Family (Kidge - AlphaxOmega) - Christmas Special.

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Keith stood cooking tea for both his daughter and himself. Listening to his daughter ramble away over her two hour out after school with Pidge. Keith was a little late due to needing to wrap his daughter's Christmas presents up in secret and had asked if Pidge was willing to babysit his daughter after school so he could. 

Pidge understood the struggle of parents trying to keep Santa alive for children while also having to hide presents, wrap them in secret and hide them again wrapped. 

Seems Matt's doing the same hence Peter was going to be spending the whole weekend with Pidge. Giving the two to have an auntie and nephew bonding weekend togehter. Leaving Matt enough time to buy presents, wrap them and collect Christmas presents for his sons from others so he'd be able to hide them all at once. 

Keith worried over pushing his daughter on someone else's family bonding but Pidge reassured him that it'd only be a couple of hours. She didn't mind and it meant Peter was spending time with other children too. He was a shy boy, still didn't really have any friends in class. Spending a couple of hours with Kairi helped him get use to other children. 

But now Keith was regretting let his daughter be babysat for two hours this Friday. He knew he should have waited until Shiro or Adam was able to babysit her and let her play with her cousins. 

Because for the past ten minutes his daughters talked over Pidge's and Peters strange Christmas tradition. Mentioning how Peter had asked if they'd still do it and Pidge offering up to do it tomorrow but Peter demanded it done tonight instead. Both letting Kairi join in and make her feel apart of the family during their shopping. 

Keith felt awful. 

He didn't mean to force his daughter upon a Christmas tradition. 

Sure, Pidge never mentioned over a tradition but it sounded like she'd planned to do it another day instead. But kids never made changing plans easy and meltdowns weren't always worth it in the long run. 

Keith felt terrible for having his daughter forced upon an auntie and nephew Christmas tradition tonight. 

"Pidge's tradition was really fun, daddy. Think I'd be allowed to join next year too?" Kairi excitedly asked as she sat down, watching her daddy place her plate down in front of her. 

"I don't think so, Kitten. Sounds like it was something meant for Pidge and Petter" Keith honestly answered with a grimace, knowing his daughter wouldn't fully understand what may have happened tonight. 

"Oh" Kairi breathed out disappointed, not wanting to be left out. 

"But maybe uncle Shiro or uncle Adam would be willing to start a tradition with you  at Christmas. We can ask when we see them next" Keith offered up with a small smile as he sat down with his own plate, knowing Shiro or Adam would love extra uncle and niece time at Christmas. 

"I want a silly and small tradition. Like Pidge and Peter have" Kairi announced with a determined look before shoving a mouthful of her food into her mouth. 

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