Chapter 3: The Industry

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Soap POV

I get out of my car, the current time is.. 5am, thirty minutes early. I rub my face, I don't even remember what time I feel asleep last night. I left Ghost sleep in my bed, so hopefully he doesn't rob me. Telling by how his house looks, I'd doubt he'd need to steal anything, but with a house that big you'd also be curious what he does.

I walk up to the doors, the same suited man comes out, he gives me a nod, letting me inside. I look around, the building is bustling with people. Other models, who wear thin clothing, and high heels, being followed by people carrying things for them. I've got to get me one of those.. An assistant to be clear.

I walk up to the main desk, "Hello again, I'm-" she stands. "John MacTavish, I was told you were coming, here's your badge, make sure to keep that with you" She waves someone over. I look over to see, a man with short dark hair. He walks over with a clipboard in hand, he offers me his hand "Mr. MacTavish" He calls me.

Whoa, professional, I shake his hand "My names John Price, I'm the one who's gonna run you through your contract along with your shoot" He tells me. "If you'd follow me through here" He leads me through a set of doors, explaining rooms as we walk past them. He opens a pair of double doors, along the side of the hall are chairs, where a few people sat down, filling out a form.

"Here's your contract and a pen, you can sit here and look it over, if you have any questions, you can come right back through these doors and ask" He smiles at me. I look to the contract, Morgan & co. Work Agreement, "Uh, so is this another portion of the interview process?" I ask. "Yes, this time you're going to meet with our main photographer, and he'll make the final decision" He explains.

I nod along, "Ok, when does he show up?" I ask, He looks to his watch. "We haven't been notified that he's around yet, but when he does, you'll know" He tells me, walking back through the doors. That was no help, I sit down on one of the chairs, next to a man who's instead of reading his contract, leaning back reading a book. I lean over, "Hey, how long have you been here?" I ask, he turns his page, not sparing me a glance.

"Around 15 minutes" he tells me, I look him over, Good hair, clean stature. "John MacTavish, my friends call me Johnny" I say offering out my hand to him, he looks to my hand and over to me. He closes his book, shaking it, "Kyle Garrick, public calls me Gaz" he tells me. "How'd you find out about this?" I ask, "I had my team look for it, this is actually my third time applying for this position, you?" he asks.

"My manager just told me to come here" I say, he looks at me in shock, "They just.. Gave you an address and said good luck? You do know what this is right?" he asks. I lean back a bit, "No?" I say confused, he blinks a few times, soon showing me smile. "How about this, we stick together during this interview, like a you'll talk me up and I'll talk you up, that way we both get in" he says.

I furrow my brows, "Uh.. Sure, talk you up like I saw you save a couple of kittens, and donate to cancer research" I say. He laughs at my response, "John.. I don't know if you know this, but no one cares about that kind of stuff, you know what they do care about?" Gaz asks. "Not kittens?" I question, "They care if your face is going to make them money" he tells me.

"Ohh, so talk up your looks, and that birthmark on your left ass cheek" I say, he lets out a hearty laugh. "I like the way you operate" he tells me opening his book back, "What time does the photographer get here?" I ask. "Usually before nine" he tells me, "Am or Pm?" I ask, he stays quiet. I let out an annoyed sigh.

Reasonable time skip

Ghost POV

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