Chapter 12: What We're Doing

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Soap POV

"I just don't get what I did to have him leave" I say, my tone frustrated. Kris sits back, a confused look on her face, "Soo.. Sorry, question, so when you asked what he wanted, and he said that he wanted you, and remind me he's said this before, no?" She questions. I nod, "Ok, and you said.. No need to repeat what you said, John-" disappointment obvious in her voice.

I hang my head, "And he said, 'if you can't hear me after countless times, then I'm not sure what I'm doing here'" she repeats. "It just-" she interrupts "It JUST sounds like him being upset with you is justified" she says. I look up to her, "Aren't you meant to be on my side?" I ask. "HA! I'm not on anyone's side, but I have to say, I see why he left" Kris says.

Today, it's pretty late in the afternoon, struggling to figure out what to do, I've decided I needed help. I couldn't ask Sam or Abby, it's clear that they don't care about anything that doesn't involve business. So for before I meet up with Simon, I could use a outside opinion. Who better to ask, than someone who isn't involved.

"What are you even afraid of? Watching rom coms and sharing a blanket? Be serious" she says. I tap my finger on the table, running possibilities though my mind. "That's..." I let out a heavy sigh, "Then what do you want?" she asks. I rub my shoulder, I don't know, I stand from the table "Something simple" I say.

"Oh boo, how boring" she jokes, "What would you want?" I ask. Kris, dramatically, puts her hand on her chest, extending her arm. "OH! To be loved, where woe hurts my sad aching heart... And a thousand dollars for good measure" she says. I let out a hearty laugh, "When I see him, I'll be sure to ask about it" I say.

"Go for it, and if you do, I get half cause I gave you the idea" she tells me, "There's no proof of that" I say walking out the shop. Shit, fuck, ass, shit, fuck, ass. I still have some time to think before I get there, he said that this is a work thing, and I'm not worried that it'd be bad, more or less, nervous.

OMG TIME SKIP?? Long time no see


I nervously wait at his door, I have nothing to be worried about, hopefully. The door opens, "Glad to see you on time" Simon tells me. He starts walking, I follow, closing the door behind me. "I'm usually only late in the morning" I joke, chuckling after. He doesn't laugh, "Not something you'd want to tell your future employer."

"Uh.. Aren't I.. Already hired?" I question, "No, this is your introductory period, you're basically a glorified intern, who, until the month is over, can get fired just as easily. So knowing that, treat this like any other work matter" I'm taken aback by his words. Shocked as I was, he was right, during the audition shoot, he told me 'knowing me isn't going to take you far'.

Modeling at Morgan & Co always had felt unserious. as if I wasn't working, but rather being paid to hang out with my... The point is, it didn't feel serious. He leads into his kitchen, a smaller round table sits next to a window. The shades covered with a black curtain, and the table covered with a white cloth, fancy plates and cutlery sat neatly overtop.

The third theme had been date night related, there were candles and flowers, roses of course. Along with a small flet box, dark blue in color, it felt out of place. I walk over tot he table, feeling along the cloth, keeping my focus on the box. Not making it obvious that it had caught my attention.

"The theme is date night as you can imagine, fancy restaurants, candle light dinners" he stops. I look over, I watch as his eyes shift, discomfort on his face thinking about it. "Go get my camera, it's on the tripod, in my office" he says. He seems upset, I was unsure if it was because of what happened the last time we saw each other, or something else.

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